The AWR Baselines page is shown.

On the upper right of the screen are the Refresh and Create buttons.

A Search field is left-justified and has a corresponding Go button.

Underneath the Search field is the following row elements: Edit button, View button, Delete button, Actions list (with Schedule Statistics Computation shown), and the Go button.

Underneath the row of elements is a table.

The table contains the following columns: Select (values are shown as selected or deselected options), Name (values are shown as links), Type, Valid, Statistics Computed, Start Time, and End Time.

Row 1 contains the following values: (selected option), AWR_BASELINE_2007, STATIC, Yes, No, null, Mar 22 2007 4:30:52 PM, Mar 22 2007 5:00:00 PM.

Row 2 contains the following values: (deselected option), SYSTEM_MOVING_WINDOW, MOVING_WINDOW (8 Days), Yes, Pending, Mar 25 2007 12:00:00 AM, Mar 21 2007 12:00:37 PM, Mar 22 2007 5:00:00 PM.

End of description.