The table contains the following columns: Sid, Serial#, % Activity, Event, % Event, User, Program, # Samples Active, XIDs.

Row 1 contains the following values: "147,9322", 81.40, CPU + Wait for CPU, 81.40, SH, sqlplus@stbcs01-1, 665/900, 0.

Row 2 contains the following values: "125,15415", 6.36, CPU + Wait for CPU, 3.55, SYS, oracle@stbcs09-1, 29/900, 2.

Row 3 contains the following values: null, null, db file sequential read, 1.96, null, null, 16/900, 4.

Row 4 contains the following values: "131,45", 1.10, SQL*Net break/reset to client, 0.98, SYSMAN, OMS, 8/900, 0.

Row 5 contains the following values: "161,1", 1.10, log file parallel write, 1.10, SYS, oracle@stbcs09-1, 9/900, 0.

Row 6 contains the following values: "164,3", 1.10, CPU + Wait for CPU, 1.10, SYS, oracle@stbcs09-1, 9/900, 0.

End of description.