The screenshot shows the Topology subpage for the Cluster Database The introductory text says: "Cluster Database topology presents the host view of a cluster database. Database instances, ASM instances, listeners, and interfaces information is available. You can optionally view configuration information. These views can also be used to launch various administration and configuration functions." Below this text are two options: "Show Only Hosts With Instances" (selected) and "Show Configuration Details" (not selected). To the right side of these options is the View Data action list, with the value Manually currently selected.

On the left side of the page is the Overview section, which allows you to select the level of detail shown. Below this section is the Selection Details section, which displays the following information:

Below the Selection Details section is the Summary section. This section contains the following information:

To the right of the Overview section is the topology diagram. There are two boxes, one for each node. The node on the left is labeled and the node on the right is labeled

For the first node, the elements shown within the box are the Interface, and a Listener, which is connected to the +ASM1 instance and a database instance. The database instance is framed by a blue box and has a red X in the upper left corner.

For the second node, the elements shown within the box are the Interface, and a Listener, which is connected to the +ASM2 instance and a database instance. The database instance has a red X in the upper left corner.

End of description.