This image contains the Original Regions table at the top, an arrow pointing downwards, and the Updated Regions table below the arrow.

At the top, is the table containing the original REGIONS table. This table has five column names, ordered from left to right: Column Name, Data Type, Length, Precision, and Scale. This table also has two rows. The first row contains REGION_ID in the Column Name column and Number in the Data Type column. The second row contains REGION_NAME in the Column Name column, Varchar2 in the Data Type column, and 25 in the Length column.

At the bottom of the image is the table containing the updated REGIONS table. This table has five column names, ordered from left to right: Column Name, Data Type Number, Length, Precision, and Scale. This table contains tow rows. The first row contains REGION_ID in the Column Name column and Number in the Data Type column. The second row contains REGION_NAME in the Column Name column, Varchar2 in the Data Type column, and 100 in the Length column.