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Oracle® OLAP Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1)


Examples of TypedExpression Methods

This page has examples of the methods of the TypedExpression class In the examples, the mp object is the MdmMetadataProvider for the session.


Example for ascii

  TypedExpression char = (TypedExpression) SyntaxObject.fromSyntax("'Boston'", mp);
  TypedExpression asciiExpr = exp.ascii();
  System.out.println("The syntax of asciiExpr is " + asciiExpr.toSyntax());

The example produces the following output.

The syntax of asciiExpr is ASCII('Boston')

The asciiExpr TypedExpression evaluates to 66, which is the ASCII equivalent of the letter B.


Example for chr

  TypedExpression numExp = (TypedExpression) SyntaxObject.fromSyntax("67", mp);
  TypedExpression chrExp = numExp.chr();
  System.out.println("The syntax of chrExp is " + chrExp.toSyntax());

  // Example for chr(boolean usingNChar).   
  boolean useNCharCS = true;
  TypedExpression chrNcharExp = numExp.chr(useNCharCS);
  System.out.println("The syntax of chrNcharExp is " + chrNcharExp.toSyntax());

The example produces the following output.

The syntax of chrExp is CHR(67).
The syntax of chrNcharExp is CHR(67 USING NCHAR_CS)

The chrExp TypedExpression evaluates to C.

The chrNcharExp TypedExpression evaluates to C.


Example for concat

   // Concatenate a TypedExpression and a String.  
   TypedExpression char1 = (TypedExpression) 
                            SyntaxObject.fromSyntax("'The time '", mp);
   TypedExpression concatExpS = char1.concat("has come.");
   System.out.println("The syntax of concatExpS is " + concatExpS.toSyntax());
   // Concatenate a TypedExpression and another TypedExpression.
   TypedExpression stringExp = (TypedExpression) 
                                SyntaxObject.fromSyntax("'is '", mp);                                 
   TypedExpression curTime = (TypedExpression) 
                              SyntaxObject.fromSyntax("CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(2)", mp);
   TypedExpression char2 = stringExp.concat(curTime);
   TypedExpression concatExpT = char1.concat(char2);
   System.out.println("The syntax of concatExpT is " + concatExpT.toSyntax());

The example produces the following output.

The syntax of concatExpS is 'The time ' || 'has come.'
The syntax of concatExpT is 'The time ' || ('is ' || CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(2))

The || characters are the concatenation operator.

The concatExpS TypedExpression evaluates to The time has come.

The concatExpT TypedExpression evaluates to The time is 19-OCT-06 AM -07:00.


Example for initcap

  TypedExpression charExp = (TypedExpression) 
                             SyntaxObject.fromSyntax("'top tEN tunes'", mp);
  TypedExpression initcapExp = charExp.initcap();
  System.out.println("The syntax of initcapExp is " + initcapExp.toSyntax());

The example produces the following output.

The syntax of initcapExpr is INITCAP('top tEN tunes')

The initcapExpr TypedExpression evaluates to Top Ten Tunes.


Examples for round

This first example rounds a number. It produces the TypedExpression objects roundNumExpr and roundNegNumExpr.

  NumberExpression n1 = (NumberExpression) SyntaxObject.fromSyntax("15.193", mp);
  NumberExpression rhs = (NumberExpression) SyntaxObject.fromSyntax("1", mp);
  TypedExpression roundNumExpr = n1.round(rhs);
  rhs = (NumberExpression) SyntaxObject.fromSyntax("-1", mp);
  TypedExpression roundNegNumExpr = n1.round(rhs);
  System.out.println("The syntax of roundNumExpr is " + roundNumExpr.toSyntax());
  System.out.println("The syntax of roundNegNumExpr is " +

The example produces the following output.

The syntax of roundNumExpr is ROUND(15.193, 1)
The syntax of roundNegNumExpr is ROUND(15.193, -1)

The roundNumExpr TypedExpression evaluates to 15.2.
The roundNegNumExpr TypedExpression evaluates to 20.

This second example rounds a date. It produces the TypedExpression object roundedDateExpr.

  DateExpression dateExpr = new DateExpression("2006-11-15", DataType.DATE);
  TypedExpression roundedDateExpr = dateExpr.round(fmt);
  System.out.println("The syntax of roundedDateExpr is " + 

The example produces the following output.

The syntax of roundedDateExpr is ROUND(DATE '2006-11-15', 'YEAR')

The roundedDateExpr TypedExpression evaluates to 01-JAN-07.


Example for trunc

The following code produces the TypedExpression objects truncNumExpr, truncNegNumExpr, and truncZeroNumExpr.

  NumberExpression exp = (NumberExpression) SyntaxObject.fromSyntax("15.193", mp);
  NumberExpression fmt = (NumberExpression) SyntaxObject.fromSyntax("1", mp);
  TypedExpression truncNumExpr = exp.trunc(fmt);
  fmt = (NumberExpression) SyntaxObject.fromSyntax("-1", mp);
  TypedExpression truncNegNumExpr = exp.trunc(fmt);
  fmt = (NumberExpression) SyntaxObject.fromSyntax("0", mp);
  TypedExpression truncZeroNumExpr = exp.trunc(fmt);
  System.out.println("The syntax of truncNumExpr is " + truncNumExpr.toSyntax());
  System.out.println("The syntax of truncNegNumExpr is " +
  System.out.println("The syntax of truncZeroNumExpr is " + truncZeroNumExpr.toSyntax());

The code produces the following output.

  The syntax of truncNumExpr is TRUNC(15.193, 1)
  The syntax of truncNegNumExpr is TRUNC(15.193, -1)
  The syntax of truncZeroNumExpr is TRUNC(15.193, 0)

The truncNumExpr TypedExpression evaluates to 15.2.
The truncNegNumExpr TypedExpression evaluates to 20.
The truncZeroNumExpr TypedExpression evaluates to 15.


Example for widthBucket

  TypedExpression exp = (TypedExpression) SyntaxObject.fromSyntax("13", mp);
  TypedExpression minValue = (TypedExpression) SyntaxObject.fromSyntax("0", mp);
  TypedExpression maxValue = (TypedExpression) SyntaxObject.fromSyntax("20", mp);
  TypedExpression numBuckets = (TypedExpression) SyntaxObject.fromSyntax("4", mp);
  TypedExpression wbExpr = exp.widthBucket(minValue, maxValue, numBuckets);

  exp = (TypedExpression) SyntaxObject.fromSyntax("-5", mp);
  TypedExpression wbNegExpr = exp.widthBucket(minValue, maxValue, numBuckets);
  System.out.println("The syntax of wbExpr is " + wbExpr.toSyntax());
  System.out.println("The syntax of wbNegExpr is " + wbNegExpr.toSyntax());

The example produces the following output.

The syntax of wbExpr is WIDTH_BUCKET(13, 0, 20, 4)
The syntax of wbNegExpr is WIDTH_BUCKET(-5, 0, 20, 4)

The wbExpr TypedExpression evaluates to 3. The evaluation creates four buckets from 0 to 20 and sorts the value 13 into bucket 3.

The wbNegExpr TypedExpression evaluates to 0. The value -5 is below the beginning of the range.


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