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Oracle Database Master Index: U
11g Release 1 (11.1)

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Index Entries

u option (-user) (JPublisher User's Guide)
U.S. National Grid
SDO_CS.FROM_USNG function (Spatial Developer's Guide)
SDO_CS.TO_USNG function (Spatial Developer's Guide)
support in Oracle Spatial (Spatial Developer's Guide)
definition (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
definition (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
definition (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
UB8MAXVAL is BFILE maximum size (SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
UCS2 Unicode character set
varying width character data (SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
UCS-2 character set (Provider for OLE DB Developer's Guide)
UCS-2 encoding (Globalization Support Guide)
UDDI registry (Application Express User's Guide)
Udev (2 Day + Real Application Clusters Guide)
UDP and TCP ports
close for ALL disabled services (Security Guide)
closing for ALL disabled services (2 Day + Security Guide)
generating an element from (XML DB Developer's Guide)
See User Global Area (UGA)
ui_print_department() function (2 Day + PHP Developer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (2 Day + PHP Developer's Guide)
     [entry #3] (2 Day + PHP Developer's Guide)
ui_print_employees() function (2 Day + PHP Developer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (2 Day + PHP Developer's Guide)
     [entry #3] (2 Day + PHP Developer's Guide)
     [entry #4] (2 Day + PHP Developer's Guide)
     [entry #5] (2 Day + PHP Developer's Guide)
     [entry #6] (2 Day + PHP Developer's Guide)
ui_print_error() function (2 Day + PHP Developer's Guide)
ui_print_footer() function (2 Day + PHP Developer's Guide)
ui_print_header() function (2 Day + PHP Developer's Guide)
ui_print_insert_employee() function (2 Day + PHP Developer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (2 Day + PHP Developer's Guide)
     [entry #3] (2 Day + PHP Developer's Guide)
ui_print_modify_employee() function (2 Day + PHP Developer's Guide)
identifying existing (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #2] (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #3] (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
specifying (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #2] (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #3] (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
specifying on other nodes (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #2] (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #3] (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
UID definition documents
characteristics (Multimedia DICOM Developer's Guide)
custom (Multimedia DICOM Developer's Guide)
defined (Multimedia DICOM Developer's Guide)
writing custom (Multimedia DICOM Developer's Guide)
XML schemas (Multimedia DICOM Developer's Guide)
UID function (Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
     [entry #3] (SQL Language Quick Reference)
     [entry #4] (SQL Language Reference)
UIX (XML Developer's Kit Programmer's Guide)
UIX, definition, Glossary (XML Developer's Kit Programmer's Guide)
ulimit command (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
     [entry #2] (Installation Guide for Linux)
of HTF package (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
ULISTCLOSE procedure
of HTP package (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
ULISTOPEN function
of HTF package (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
ULISTOPEN procedure
of HTP package (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
definition (Spatial GeoRaster Developer's Guide)
Ultra Search
administration tool (Ultra Search Administrator's Guide)
administrative privileges (Ultra Search Administrator's Guide)
APIs (Ultra Search Administrator's Guide)
backend (Ultra Search Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Ultra Search Administrator's Guide)
components (Ultra Search Administrator's Guide)
configuration (Ultra Search Administrator's Guide)
configuring (Ultra Search Administrator's Guide)
crawler (Ultra Search Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Ultra Search Administrator's Guide)
default instance (Ultra Search Administrator's Guide)
globalization (Ultra Search Administrator's Guide)
default (Ultra Search Administrator's Guide)
instance administrators (Ultra Search Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Ultra Search Administrator's Guide)
instances (Ultra Search Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Ultra Search Administrator's Guide)
creating (Ultra Search Administrator's Guide)
snapshot (Ultra Search Administrator's Guide)
integration with Oracle Application Server (Ultra Search Administrator's Guide)
integration with Oracle Internet Directory (Ultra Search Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Ultra Search Administrator's Guide)
languages (Ultra Search Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Ultra Search Administrator's Guide)
logging on (Ultra Search Administrator's Guide)
managing users (Ultra Search Administrator's Guide)
metadata loader (Ultra Search Administrator's Guide)
middle tier (Ultra Search Administrator's Guide)
on Real Application Clusters (Ultra Search Administrator's Guide)
overview (Ultra Search Administrator's Guide)
remote crawler (Ultra Search Administrator's Guide)
search portlet (Ultra Search Administrator's Guide)
snapshot instances (Ultra Search Administrator's Guide)
super-users (Ultra Search Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Ultra Search Administrator's Guide)
system requirements (Ultra Search Administrator's Guide)
tuning (Ultra Search Administrator's Guide)
users (Ultra Search Administrator's Guide)
Ultra Search searchlet (Ultra Search Administrator's Guide)
Ultra SearchSee Oracle Ultra Search
ultralarge files (Data Warehousing Guide)
ultrasearch_searchlet.rar (Ultra Search Administrator's Guide)
umask (Client Installation Guide for Linux)
     [entry #2] (Installation Guide for Linux)
umask command (Client Installation Guide for Linux)
     [entry #2] (Client Installation Guide for Linux)
     [entry #3] (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
     [entry #4] (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
     [entry #5] (Installation Guide for Linux)
     [entry #6] (Installation Guide for Linux)
indexing characters with (Text Application Developer's Guide)
unary operators (SQL Language Reference)
UNASSIGN_ACL Procedure (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
UNASSIGN_ATTRIBUTE_SET procedure (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
     [entry #2] (Rules Manager and Expression Filter Developer's Guide)
     [entry #3] (Rules Manager and Expression Filter Developer's Guide)
of CHANGE (Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
CHANGE command (Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
deleting repository records (Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
UNCHECKOUT function (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
unconditional delete (Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
UNDEFINE command (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
     [entry #2] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
and DEFINE command (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
UNDEFINE statement (Gateway for APPC User's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Gateway for APPC User's Guide)
undefined symbols (Administrator's Reference for Linux and UNIX)
UNDER ANY TYPE privilege (Object-Relational Developer's Guide)
See also privileges
UNDER ANY TYPE system privilege (SQL Language Reference)
UNDER ANY VIEW privilege (Object-Relational Developer's Guide)
See also privileges
UNDER ANY VIEW system privilege (SQL Language Reference)
UNDER clause
of CREATE VIEW (SQL Language Reference)
UNDER keyword
CREATE TYPE (Object-Relational Developer's Guide)
UNDER object privilege
on a type (SQL Language Reference)
on a view (SQL Language Reference)
UNDER_PATH condition (SQL Language Quick Reference)
     [entry #2] (SQL Language Reference)
under_path SQL function (XML DB Developer's Guide)
UNDERLINE function
of HTF package (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
UNDERLINE procedure
of HTP package (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
UNDERLINE variable (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
     [entry #2] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
underscores (PL/SQL Language Reference)
understanding metrics (Data Guard Broker)
undetected deadlocks (Advanced Application Developer's Guide)
undirected links (Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
undirected networks (Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
about (2 Day DBA)
advisor (2 Day DBA)
managing (2 Day DBA)
     [subentry #2] (2 Day DBA)
rollback (SQL Language Reference)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Language Reference)
system managed (SQL Language Reference)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Language Reference)
viewing (2 Day DBA)
undo a transaction (Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
     [entry #3] (Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
Undo Advisor
     [entry #2] (Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #3] (Concepts)
     [entry #4] (Concepts)
     [entry #5] (High Availability Overview)
computing minimum undo tablespace size with (2 Day DBA)
description (2 Day DBA)
setting minimum undo retention period with (2 Day DBA)
undo data (Advanced Application Developer's Guide)
used by flashback features (High Availability Overview)
undo management
     [entry #2] (Real Application Clusters Installation Guide for Linux and UNIX)
automatic (Administrator's Guide)
automatic mode (Performance Tuning Guide)
described (Administrator's Guide)
initialization parameters for (Administrator's Guide)
undo management, automatic (Concepts)
     [entry #2] (Concepts)
undo optimization, backup (Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
undo retention
     [entry #2] (Concepts)
     [entry #3] (Concepts)
automatic tuning of (Administrator's Guide)
explained (Administrator's Guide)
guaranteeing (Administrator's Guide)
setting (Administrator's Guide)
undo retention period
setting with Undo Advisor (2 Day DBA)
undo segments (2 Day + Real Application Clusters Guide)
in-doubt distributed transactions (Administrator's Guide)
undo space
data dictionary views reference (Administrator's Guide)
sizing (Ultra Search Administrator's Guide)
undo space management
automatic undo management mode (Administrator's Guide)
Undo tablespace
specifying at database creation (Administrator's Guide)
undo tablespace (2 Day DBA)
changing to fixed-size (2 Day DBA)
computing minimum size for fixed-size tablespace (2 Day DBA)
managing (Administrator's Guide)
managing space threshold alerts (Administrator's Guide)
sizing a fixed-size (Administrator's Guide)
UNDO TABLESPACE clause (Performance Tuning Guide)
UNDO tablespace clause
of CREATE DATABASE (SQL Language Reference)
of CREATE TABLESPACE (SQL Language Reference)
undo tablespaces
     [entry #2] (Concepts)
altering (Administrator's Guide)
creating (Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Language Reference)
     [subentry #3] (SQL Language Reference)
data dictionary views reference (Administrator's Guide)
dropping (Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Language Reference)
modifying (SQL Language Reference)
monitoring (Administrator's Guide)
PENDING OFFLINE status (Administrator's Guide)
preserving unexpired data (SQL Language Reference)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Language Reference)
renaming (Administrator's Guide)
specifying at database creation (Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #3] (Administrator's Guide)
statistics for (Administrator's Guide)
switching (Administrator's Guide)
user quotas (Administrator's Guide)
UNDO_ADD_NEW_MASTERS_REQUEST procedure (Advanced Replication Management API Reference)
UNDO_MANAGEMENT initialization parameter (2 Day + Real Application Clusters Guide)
     [entry #2] (Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #3] (Performance Tuning Guide)
     [entry #4] (Performance Tuning Guide)
     [entry #5] (Real Application Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide)
     [entry #6] (Reference)
     [entry #7] (Upgrade Guide)
default (Upgrade Guide)
UNDO_MANAGEMENT parameter (OLAP User's Guide)
UNDO_RETENTION initialization parameter (Real Application Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
     [entry #3] (Streams Concepts and Administration)
setting with ALTER SYSTEM (SQL Language Reference)
UNDO_RETENTION parameter (Advanced Application Developer's Guide)
UNDO_SPACE system parameter (Workspace Manager Developer's Guide)
UNDO_TABLESPACE initialization parameter (2 Day + Real Application Clusters Guide)
     [entry #2] (Performance Tuning Guide)
     [entry #3] (Reference)
for undo tablespaces (Administrator's Guide)
starting an instance using (Administrator's Guide)
UNDO_TABLESPACE parameter (OLAP User's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Real Application Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide)
UNDOTBS tablespace
raw device for
on Linux (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
UNDOTBS1 tablespace (2 Day DBA)
undropping disks in disk groups (Storage Administrator's Guide)
UNESCAPE function (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
UNESCAPEURI function (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
unformatted addresses (Spatial Developer's Guide)
UnfreezeWorkspace procedure (Workspace Manager Developer's Guide)
workspaces (Workspace Manager Developer's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Workspace Manager Developer's Guide)
unhandled exceptions (Advanced Application Developer's Guide)
catching (PL/SQL Language Reference)
propagating (PL/SQL Language Reference)
UNHIDE command (OLAP DML Reference)
VARCHAR2 and CLOBs support (SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Concepts)
     [entry #3] (Concepts)
     [entry #4] (Concepts)
     [entry #5] (Concepts)
     [entry #6] (Concepts)
     [entry #7] (Globalization Support Guide)
     [entry #8] (Provider for OLE DB Developer's Guide)
binding and defining Java strings (Globalization Support Guide)
character code assignments (Globalization Support Guide)
character set conversion between OCI client and database server (Globalization Support Guide)
character set ID (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
     [subentry #3] (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
code ranges for UTF-16 characters (Globalization Support Guide)
code ranges for UTF-8 characters (Globalization Support Guide)
data buffer alignment (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
data conversion in Java (Globalization Support Guide)
description (2 Day DBA)
encoding (Globalization Support Guide)
fonts (Globalization Support Guide)
JDBC OCI driver (Globalization Support Guide)
JDBC programming (Globalization Support Guide)
JDBC Server Side internal driver (Globalization Support Guide)
JDBC Server Side thin driver (Globalization Support Guide)
JDBC thin driver (Globalization Support Guide)
mode (Globalization Support Guide)
NCHAR data type (Advanced Replication)
NVARCHAR data type (Advanced Replication)
OCILobRead() (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
OCILobWrite() (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
     [subentry #3] (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
ODBC and OLE DB programming (Globalization Support Guide)
Oracle Call Interface (Globalization Support Guide)
Oracle Data Provide for .NET (Globalization Support Guide)
Oracle ODBC driver (Globalization Support Guide)
Oracle OLE DB driver (Globalization Support Guide)
Oracle Pro*C/C++ (Globalization Support Guide)
Oracle support (Globalization Support Guide)
parsing an XML stream with Java (Globalization Support Guide)
PL/SQL and SQL (Globalization Support Guide)
Private Use Area (Globalization Support Guide)
programming (Globalization Support Guide)
reading an XML file with Java (Globalization Support Guide)
replication (Advanced Replication)
string literals (Globalization Support Guide)
UCS-2 encoding (Globalization Support Guide)
UTF-16 encoding (Globalization Support Guide)
UTF-8 encoding (Globalization Support Guide)
writing an XML file with Java (Globalization Support Guide)
XML programming (Globalization Support Guide)
Unicode character literals (Advanced Application Developer's Guide)
Unicode character set (Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
unicode data (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
Unicode database (Globalization Support Guide)
case study (Globalization Support Guide)
choosing a character set (Globalization Support Guide)
using with Unicode datatypes (case study) (Globalization Support Guide)
when to use (Globalization Support Guide)
Unicode datatypes (Globalization Support Guide)
case study (Globalization Support Guide)
choosing a national character set (Globalization Support Guide)
using with a Unicode database (case study) (Globalization Support Guide)
when to use (Globalization Support Guide)
Unicode in a system file (XML Developer's Kit Programmer's Guide)
unicode support in Korean lexer (Text Reference)
Unicode variables (Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
unified C API for XDK and XML DB (XML Developer's Kit Programmer's Guide)
unified file system (Administrator's Reference for Linux and UNIX)
Unified Java API (XML Developer's Kit Programmer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (XML Developer's Kit Programmer's Guide)
     [entry #3] (XML Developer's Kit Programmer's Guide)
unified Java API (XML Developer's Kit Programmer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (XML Developer's Kit Programmer's Guide)
     [entry #3] (XML Developer's Kit Programmer's Guide)
Unified Java API new objects and methods (XML Developer's Kit Programmer's Guide)
UNIFORM clause
of CREATE TABLESPACE (SQL Language Reference)
Uniform Resource Identifier, definition, Glossary (XML Developer's Kit Programmer's Guide)
Uniform Resource Locator, definition, Glossary (XML Developer's Kit Programmer's Guide)
UNIFORM_DIST_FIT procedure (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
uninitialized object
how treated in PL/SQL (Object-Relational Developer's Guide)
Uninstall (Installation Guide for Linux)
     [entry #2] (Installation Guide for Linux)
     [entry #3] (Installation Guide for Linux)
     [entry #4] (Installation Guide for Linux)
uninstall (Installation Guide for Linux)
     [entry #2] (Installation Guide for Linux)
     [entry #3] (Installation Guide for Linux)
     [entry #4] (Installation Guide for Linux)
uninstall option (AuditorInstaller) (SQLJ Developer's Guide and Reference)
UNINSTR function (Advanced Application Developer's Guide)
capability (Gateway for DRDA User's Guide)
operator, SQL Set Clauses (Gateway for DRDA User's Guide)
SQL set operators and clauses (Gateway for DRDA User's Guide)
union (Spatial Developer's Guide)
operator, SQL Set Clauses (Gateway for DRDA User's Guide)
SQL set operators and clauses (Gateway for DRDA User's Guide)
UNION ALL set operator (PL/SQL Language Reference)
     [entry #2] (SQL Language Reference)
     [entry #3] (SQL Language Reference)
UNION set operator (PL/SQL Language Reference)
     [entry #2] (SQL Language Reference)
     [entry #3] (SQL Language Reference)
cannot be nested in host structures (Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
not permitted as host structures (Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
with subqueries
materialized views (Advanced Replication)
restrictions for materialized views (Advanced Replication)
constraints (Data Warehousing Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Data Warehousing Guide)
identifier (Data Warehousing Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Data Warehousing Guide)
transformation names (Warehouse Builder User's Guide)
UNIQUE clause
of CREATE INDEX (SQL Language Reference)
of CREATE TABLE (SQL Language Reference)
of SELECT (SQL Language Reference)
unique columns (Data Provider for .NET Developer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Data Provider for .NET Developer's Guide)
UNIQUE constraint (Performance Tuning Guide)
unique constraint (Data Provider for .NET Developer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Data Provider for .NET Developer's Guide)
unique constraint on parent element of an attribute (XML DB Developer's Guide)
UNIQUE constraints
dropping (Advanced Application Developer's Guide)
naming (Advanced Application Developer's Guide)
on FOREIGN KEY constraints (Advanced Application Developer's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Advanced Application Developer's Guide)
unique constraints (SQL Developer User's Guide)
conditional (SQL Language Reference)
enabling (SQL Language Reference)
index on (SQL Language Reference)
support with Workspace Manager (Workspace Manager Developer's Guide)
UNIQUE contraints (Advanced Application Developer's Guide)
unique dimension value (OLAP Java API Developer's Guide)
unique elements of (SQL Language Reference)
unique index (Data Provider for .NET Developer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Data Provider for .NET Developer's Guide)
unique indexes (Concepts)
     [entry #2] (SQL Language Reference)
constraint (Concepts)
Unique key attributes (OLAP User's Guide)
UNIQUE KEY constraints
effect on direct path load (Utilities)
UNIQUE key constraints
associated indexes (Administrator's Guide)
composite keys (Concepts)
     [subentry #2] (Concepts)
constraint checking (Concepts)
dropping associated indexes (Administrator's Guide)
enabling on creation (Administrator's Guide)
foreign key references when dropped (Administrator's Guide)
indexes associated with (Administrator's Guide)
NOT NULL constraints and (Concepts)
unique keys
     [entry #2] (Concepts)
composite (Concepts)
     [subentry #2] (Concepts)
see UNIQUE constraints
unique queries (SQL Language Reference)
unique values
generating with SQL*Loader (Utilities)
UNIQUE_SESSION_NAME function (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
UniqueConstraint (Data Provider for .NET Developer's Guide)
UNIQUELINES function (OLAP DML Reference)
     [entry #2] (Performance Tuning Guide)
in updating DataSet to database (Data Provider for .NET Developer's Guide)
uniqueness in DataRows (Data Provider for .NET Developer's Guide)
unique-index columns
logged with supplemental logging (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
UNISTR function (SQL Language Quick Reference)
     [entry #2] (SQL Language Reference)
UNISTR SQL function (Globalization Support Guide)
unit of measurement
MDSYS tables (Spatial Developer's Guide)
UNIT_NAME column
in SDO_ANGLE_UNITS table (Spatial Developer's Guide)
in SDO_AREA_UNITS table (Spatial Developer's Guide)
in SDO_DIST_UNITS table (Spatial Developer's Guide)
Universal Installer (Extensions for .NET Developer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Oracle Objects for OLE Developer's Guide)
     [entry #3] (Oracle Objects for OLE Developer's Guide)
Universal ROWID (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
universal ROWID (Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
     [entry #3] (Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
ROWID pseudocolumns (Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
universal rowids (Advanced Application Developer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (PL/SQL Language Reference)
universal rowids. See urowids
universe face (F0) (Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
ed (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
installing SQL*Plus Instant Client (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
linking a Pro*C application under (Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
SQL*Plus Instant Client files to copy (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
UNIX commands (Client Installation Guide for Linux)
     [entry #2] (Installation Guide for Linux)
chmod (Client Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #2] (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #3] (Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #4] (Installation Guide for Linux)
chown (Client Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #2] (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #3] (Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #4] (Installation Guide for Linux)
env (Client Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #2] (Installation Guide for Linux)
fdisk (Installation Guide for Linux)
free (Client Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #2] (Installation Guide for Linux)
id (Installation Guide for Linux)
limit (Installation Guide for Linux)
lsdev (Installation Guide for Linux)
mkdir (Client Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #2] (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #3] (Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #4] (Installation Guide for Linux)
passwd (Client Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #2] (Installation Guide for Linux)
ps (Installation Guide for Linux)
rpm (Client Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #2] (Installation Guide for Linux)
sysctl (Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #2] (Installation Guide for Linux)
ulimit (Installation Guide for Linux)
umask (Client Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #2] (Installation Guide for Linux)
unset (Client Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #2] (Installation Guide for Linux)
unsetenv (Client Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #2] (Installation Guide for Linux)
useradd (Client Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #2] (Installation Guide for Linux)
xhost (Client Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #2] (Installation Guide for Linux)
xterm (Client Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #2] (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #3] (Installation Guide for Linux)
UNIX environment for C components
configuring (XML Developer's Kit Programmer's Guide)
UNIX groups
checking for existing oinstall group (Client Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #2] (Installation Guide for Linux)
creating the dba group (Installation Guide for Linux)
oinstall (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #2] (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
OSDBA (dba) (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #2] (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
OSOPER (oper) (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
required for oracle user (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #2] (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
using NIS (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #2] (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
UNIX system performance (Performance Tuning Guide)
UNIX System V file system (Administrator's Reference for Linux and UNIX)
UNIX systems
cloning to create Oracle Clusterware environments (Clusterware Administration and Deployment Guide)
Oracle Clusterware processes (Clusterware Administration and Deployment Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Clusterware Administration and Deployment Guide)
UNIX systems, auditing administrators on (Security Guide)
UNIX users
creating the oracle user (Client Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #2] (Installation Guide for Linux)
nobody (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #2] (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
oracle (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #2] (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
required for external jobs (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #2] (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
setting shell limits for on Linux x86 (Installation Guide for Linux)
unprivileged user (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #2] (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
using NIS (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #2] (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
UNIX workstation
installing from (Client Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #2] (Installation Guide for Linux)
UNKEEP procedure (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
unknown CRS coordinate reference system (Spatial Developer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Spatial GeoRaster Developer's Guide)
UNLIMITED TABLESPACE privilege (Security Guide)
     [entry #2] (Security Guide)
UNLIMITED TABLESPACE system privilege (SQL Language Reference)
Unload to Text Wizard (Application Express User's Guide)
Unload to XML Wizard (Application Express User's Guide)
unloading entire database
Data Pump Export utility (Utilities)
unloadSchema() (XML C++ API Reference)
UNLOCK_MAP procedure (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
UNLOCK_PARTITION_STATS Procedure (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
UNLOCK_SCHEMA_STATS procedure (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
UNLOCK_TABLE_STATS procedure (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
table rows (Workspace Manager Developer's Guide)
unlocking HR account (2 Day + PHP Developer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (2 Day + PHP Developer's Guide)
unlocking sample tables, Preface (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
UNLOCKRESOURCE function (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
UnlockRows procedure (Workspace Manager Developer's Guide)
UNMAP_DAD Procedure (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
unmarking (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
objects (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
unnamed composites (OLAP DML Reference)
defining (OLAP DML Reference)
example of (OLAP DML Reference)
UNNEST hint (SQL Language Reference)
unnesting collections (SQL Language Reference)
examples (SQL Language Reference)
unnesting queries (Object-Relational Developer's Guide)
unnesting subqueries (SQL Language Reference)
unobserved configuration (Data Guard Broker)
UNPACK_MESSAGE procedures (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
UNPACK_STGTAB_BASELINE Function (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
UNPACK_STGTAB_SQLPATCH Procedure (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
UNPACK_STGTAB_SQLPROF Procedure (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
UNPACK_STGTAB_SQLSET Procedure (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
unparsedEntityDecl() (XML C++ API Reference)
unpinning (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
objects (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
unpivot operations (SQL Language Reference)
examples (SQL Language Reference)
syntax (SQL Language Reference)
unpivot_clause (SQL Language Quick Reference)
unplanned activities
probability of failure during (High Availability Overview)
unplanned downtime
avoiding downtime during (Concepts)
causes (Concepts)
system faults (Concepts)
transportable tablespaces (High Availability Overview)
transportable technologies (High Availability Overview)
UNPREPARED status (Oracle C++ Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Oracle C++ Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
unprivileged user
checking existence of (Installation Guide for Linux)
nobody user (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #2] (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #3] (Installation Guide for Linux)
of ALTER SYSTEM (SQL Language Reference)
UNRAVEL function (OLAP DML Reference)
UNRECOVERABLE (SQL Language Reference)
     [entry #2] (SQL Language Reference)
See also NOLOGGING clause
     [subentry #2] (Utilities)
capture process (Streams Concepts and Administration)
ALTER DATABASE statement (Administrator's Guide)
unrecoverable objects
recovery (Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
unrecoverable operations (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
backing up after (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
capture process (Streams Concepts and Administration)
UNREGISTER DATABASE command (Backup and Recovery Reference)
     [entry #2] (Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
UNREGISTER_DEPENDENT_OBJECT procedure (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
UNREGISTER_FOREIGN_QUEUE Procedure (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
UNREGISTER_MVIEW procedure (2 Day + Data Replication and Integration Guide)
     [entry #2] (Advanced Replication)
     [entry #3] (Advanced Replication Management API Reference)
UNREGISTER_MVIEW_REPGROUP procedure (Advanced Replication Management API Reference)
UNREGISTER_PROPAGATOR procedure (Advanced Replication Management API Reference)
UNREGISTER_USER_REPGROUP procedure (Advanced Replication Management API Reference)
UnRegisterFeatureTable procedure (Spatial Developer's Guide)
ConnectionFactory in LDAP (Streams Advanced Queuing User's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Streams Advanced Queuing User's Guide)
notification (Streams Advanced Queuing User's Guide)
unregistering databases (Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
UnRegisterMTableView procedure (Spatial Developer's Guide)
UNREGISTERURLHANDLER procedure (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
unresolved XLink and XInclude links (XML DB Developer's Guide)
unrestricted multilingual support (Globalization Support Guide)
UNSAFE_NULL option (Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
     [entry #2] (Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
UNSAFE_NULL precompiler option (Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
UNSCHEDULE_PROPAGATION Procedure (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
UNSCHEDULE_PURGE procedure (Advanced Replication Management API Reference)
UNSCHEDULE_PUSH procedure (Advanced Replication Management API Reference)
propagations (Streams Advanced Queuing User's Guide)
in JMS (Streams Advanced Queuing User's Guide)
unset command (Client Installation Guide for Linux)
     [entry #2] (Installation Guide for Linux)
UNSET_ATTRIBUTE procedure (Text Reference)
unsetenv command (Client Installation Guide for Linux)
     [entry #2] (Installation Guide for Linux)
external datatype (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
Oracle external datatype (Pro*PL/1 Supplement to the Oracle Precompilers Guide)
UNSIGNED datatype (Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
     [entry #3] (Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
external datatype (Oracle C++ Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
unsorted data
direct path load
SQL*Loader (Utilities)
unsorted indexes (SQL Language Reference)
unstructured data (SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
unstructured storage of XML data
definition (XML DB Developer's Guide)
unsupervised classification (Text Application Developer's Guide)
unsupervised classification, see clustering
unsupervised mining functions (Data Mining Application Developer's Guide)
unsupervised models (Data Mining Concepts)
unsupported data types
during a rolling upgrade (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
unsupported functions
Oracle Database Gateway for ODBC (Gateway for ODBC User's Guide)
unsupported operations
capturing in DBA_LOGSTDBY_EVENTS view (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
unsupported PL/SQL supplied packages (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
unsupported SQL commands (Data Provider for .NET Developer's Guide)
unsupported SQL functions (Gateway for Adabas User's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Gateway for IMS User's Guide)
     [entry #3] (Gateway for VSAM User's Guide)
unsupported tables
for logical standby database during a rolling upgrade (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
UNTIL CANCEL clause (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
UNTIL CHANGE clause (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
UNTIL CONTROLFILE clause (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
UNTIL TIME clause (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
RECOVER command (Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
untilClause (Backup and Recovery Reference)
untransformed column values (Performance Tuning Guide)
of ALTER INDEX (SQL Language Reference)
UNUSABLE indexes
function-based (Concepts)
unusable indexes (SQL Developer User's Guide)
of ALTER TABLE (SQL Language Reference)
unused block compression (Backup and Recovery Reference)
     [entry #2] (Backup and Recovery Reference)
     [entry #3] (Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
UNUSED_SPACE procedure (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
Unwrapped PL/SQL Package Bodies Report (Vault Administrator's Guide)
UPCASE function (OLAP DML Reference)
updatability in result sets (2 Day + Java Developer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
updatable (Advanced Replication)
updatable materialized view logs (Advanced Replication)
trigger for (Advanced Replication)
updatable materialized views (2 Day + Data Replication and Integration Guide)
     [entry #2] (Advanced Replication)
     [entry #3] (Advanced Replication)
column subsetting (Advanced Replication)
configuring (2 Day + Data Replication and Integration Guide)
deferred transactions (2 Day + Data Replication and Integration Guide)
monitoring (2 Day + Data Replication and Integration Guide)
definition (2 Day + Data Replication and Integration Guide)
DELETE CASCADE constraint (Advanced Replication)
     [subentry #2] (Advanced Replication)
length semantics (Advanced Replication)
materialized view groups (Advanced Replication)
purge schedule (2 Day + Data Replication and Integration Guide)
scheduled links (2 Day + Data Replication and Integration Guide)
updatable result set concurrency type (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
updatable result sets
creating (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
DELETE operations (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
INSERT operations (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
limitations (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
refetching rows (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
     [subentry #2] (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
seeing internal changes (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
update conflicts (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
UPDATE operations (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
updatable TopoMap objects (Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
updatable view
definition (PL/SQL Language Reference)
known restrictions, SQL limitations (Gateway for DRDA User's Guide)
operation (Gateway for DRDA User's Guide)
read-only gateway (Gateway for DRDA User's Guide)
SQL clause (Gateway for DRDA User's Guide)
statement (Gateway for DRDA User's Guide)
UPDATE ANY CUBE BUILD PROCESS system privilege (SQL Language Reference)
UPDATE ANY CUBE DIMENSION system privilege (SQL Language Reference)
UPDATE ANY CUBE system privilege (SQL Language Reference)
UPDATE ANY TABLE system privilege (SQL Language Reference)
update batching
batch limit (SQLJ Developer's Guide and Reference)
batchable and compatible statements (SQLJ Developer's Guide and Reference)
batching incompatible statements (SQLJ Developer's Guide and Reference)
canceling a batch (SQLJ Developer's Guide and Reference)
cautions (SQLJ Developer's Guide and Reference)
enabling and disabling (SQLJ Developer's Guide and Reference)
error conditions during execution (SQLJ Developer's Guide and Reference)
explicit and implicit batch execution (SQLJ Developer's Guide and Reference)
overview (SQLJ Developer's Guide and Reference)
overview, Oracle vs. standard model (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
overview, statements supported (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
update counts (SQLJ Developer's Guide and Reference)
using implicit execution contexts (SQLJ Developer's Guide and Reference)
with respect to recursive call-ins (SQLJ Developer's Guide and Reference)
update batching (Oracle model)
batch value, checking (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
batch value, overriding (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
committing changes (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
connection batch value, setting (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
connection vs. statement batch value (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
default batch value (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
disable auto-commit (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
example (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
limitations and characteristics (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
overview (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
statement batch value, setting (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
stream types not allowed (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
update counts (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
update batching (standard model)
adding to batch (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
clearing the batch (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
committing changes (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
error handling (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
example (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
executing the batch (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
intermixing batched and non-batched (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
overview (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
update counts (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
update counts upon error (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
of ALTER INDEX (SQL Language Reference)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Language Reference)
update cascade (Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
UPDATE command (OLAP DML Reference)
     [entry #2] (Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
embedded SQL examples (Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
event (OLAP DML Reference)
events (OLAP DML Reference)
     [subentry #2] (OLAP DML Reference)
trigger (OLAP DML Reference)
triggers (OLAP DML Reference)
     [subentry #2] (OLAP DML Reference)
     [subentry #3] (OLAP DML Reference)
UPDATE command, disabling (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
update conflicts in result sets (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
update counts
Oracle update batching (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
standard update batching (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
upon error (standard batching) (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
update database records (Oracle Objects for OLE Developer's Guide)
UPDATE EXPRESSION privilege (Rules Manager and Expression Filter Developer's Guide)
update frequencies (Data Warehousing Guide)
of ALTER TABLE (VLDB and Partitioning Guide)
     [entry #2] (Text Reference)
     [entry #3] (Text Reference)
     [entry #4] (Text Reference)
of ALTER TABLE (SQL Language Reference)
UPDATE in a result set (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
Update method (Oracle Objects for OLE Developer's Guide)
update no action constraint (Concepts)
UPDATE object privilege
on a table (SQL Language Reference)
on a view (SQL Language Reference)
on an OLAP cube (SQL Language Reference)
on an OLAP cube dimension (SQL Language Reference)
update operations
collecting supplemental log data for (SQL Language Reference)
UPDATE privilege
     [entry #2] (Rules Manager and Expression Filter Developer's Guide)
for object tables (Object-Relational Developer's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Object-Relational Developer's Guide)
revoking (Security Guide)
of MERGE (SQL Language Reference)
UPDATE SQL statement (Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
UPDATE statement (Concepts)
     [entry #2] (Data Warehousing Guide)
     [entry #3] (Gateway for Adabas User's Guide)
     [entry #4] (Gateway for Adabas User's Guide)
     [entry #5] (Gateway for IMS User's Guide)
     [entry #6] (Gateway for IMS User's Guide)
     [entry #7] (Gateway for Informix User's Guide)
     [entry #8] (Gateway for Informix User's Guide)
     [entry #9] (Gateway for Informix User's Guide)
     [entry #10] (Gateway for Informix User's Guide)
     [entry #11] (Gateway for ODBC User's Guide)
     [entry #12] (Gateway for SQL Server User's Guide)
     [entry #13] (Gateway for SQL Server User's Guide)
     [entry #14] (Gateway for SQL Server User's Guide)
     [entry #15] (Gateway for SQL Server User's Guide)
     [entry #16] (Gateway for SQL Server User's Guide)
     [entry #17] (Gateway for Sybase User's Guide)
     [entry #18] (Gateway for Sybase User's Guide)
     [entry #19] (Gateway for Sybase User's Guide)
     [entry #20] (Gateway for Sybase User's Guide)
     [entry #21] (Gateway for Teradata User's Guide)
     [entry #22] (Gateway for Teradata User's Guide)
     [entry #23] (Gateway for Teradata User's Guide)
     [entry #24] (Gateway for Teradata User's Guide)
     [entry #25] (Gateway for VSAM User's Guide)
     [entry #26] (Gateway for VSAM User's Guide)
     [entry #27] (Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
     [entry #28] (Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
     [entry #29] (SQL Language Quick Reference)
     [entry #30] (SQL Language Reference)
column values and triggers (PL/SQL Language Reference)
embedded SQL examples (Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
example (Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
example of (Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
foreign key references (Concepts)
freeing space in data blocks (Concepts)
links to examples (PL/SQL Language Reference)
parallel UPDATE statement (Data Warehousing Guide)
purpose of (Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
restrictions on use (Gateway for Informix User's Guide)
SET clause (Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
SET clause in (Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
syntax (PL/SQL Language Reference)
triggers (Concepts)
BEFORE triggers (Concepts)
triggers and (PL/SQL Language Reference)
     [subentry #2] (PL/SQL Language Reference)
triggers for referential integrity (PL/SQL Language Reference)
     [subentry #2] (PL/SQL Language Reference)
triggers on (SQL Language Reference)
using host arrays (Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
using host arrays in (Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
using host tables (Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
using SQLERRD(3) (Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
WHERE clause in (Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
with a record variable (PL/SQL Language Reference)
UPDATE statements
binds of greater than 4000 bytes (SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
update windows (Data Warehousing Guide)
update, XSU (XML Developer's Kit Programmer's Guide)
update_action.jsp (2 Day + Java Developer's Guide)
UPDATE_BY_CAT procedure (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
UPDATE_CONSUMER_GROUP procedure (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
UPDATE_CONTROL option (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #3] (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
UPDATE_COUNT_AVAILABLE status (Oracle C++ Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Oracle C++ Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
UPDATE_CRAWLER_CONFIG procedure (Ultra Search Administrator's Guide)
UPDATE_OBJECT Procedure (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
UPDATE_OBJECT procedure (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
UPDATE_PLAN procedure (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
UPDATE_PLAN_DIRECTIVE procedure (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
UPDATE_REC_ATTRIBUTES Procedure (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
UPDATE_SCHEDULE procedure (Ultra Search Administrator's Guide)
UPDATE_SIGNATURES procedure (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
UPDATE_SQLSET procedures (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
UPDATE_SQLWKLD_ATTRIBUTES Procedure (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
UPDATE_SQLWKLD_STATEMENT Procedure (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
UPDATE_TASK_ATTRIBUTES Procedure (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
UPDATE_TOPO_MAP procedure (Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
UPDATE_TRANSLATION procedure (Text Reference)
UPDATE_WKTS_FOR_ALL_EPSG_CRS procedure (Spatial Developer's Guide)
UPDATE_WKTS_FOR_EPSG_CRS procedure (Spatial Developer's Guide)
UPDATE_WKTS_FOR_EPSG_DATUM procedure (Spatial Developer's Guide)
UPDATE_WKTS_FOR_EPSG_ELLIPS procedure (Spatial Developer's Guide)
UPDATE_WKTS_FOR_EPSG_OP procedure (Spatial Developer's Guide)
UPDATE_WKTS_FOR_EPSG_PARAM procedure (Spatial Developer's Guide)
UPDATE_WKTS_FOR_EPSG_PM procedure (Spatial Developer's Guide)
updateColumns/ForUpdate (WITH clause), unsupported (SQLJ Developer's Guide and Reference)
UpdateControls method (Oracle Objects for OLE Developer's Guide)
updated locators (SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
     [entry #3] (SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
updateRaster procedure (Spatial GeoRaster Developer's Guide)
UpdateRecord method (Oracle Objects for OLE Developer's Guide)
UPDATERESOURCEMETADATA Procedures (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
updateRow() method (result set) (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
     [entry #2] (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
and simultaneous insert (SQL Language Reference)
checking for SQL Developer updates (SQL Developer User's Guide)
distributed (Advanced Application Developer's Guide)
locating free space (Reference)
location transparency and (Administrator's Guide)
object views (Object-Relational Developer's Guide)
piecewise (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
positioned (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
updatability of views (Concepts)
     [subentry #2] (Concepts)
     [subentry #3] (Concepts)
updatable join views (Concepts)
update intensive environments (Concepts)
using MERGE (SQL Language Reference)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Language Reference)
updatesAreDetected() method (database metadata) (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
UPDATETRANSLATION Function (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
UPDATEXML function (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
     [entry #2] (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
     [entry #3] (SQL Language Quick Reference)
     [entry #4] (SQL Language Reference)
updateXML PL/SQL function (XML DB Developer's Guide)
updateXML SQL function (XML DB Developer's Guide)
mapping NULL values (XML DB Developer's Guide)
XPath rewrite (XML DB Developer's Guide)
updateXXX() methods (result set) (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
     [entry #2] (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
a schedule (Ultra Search Administrator's Guide)
avoid the LOB with different locators (SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
before committing GeoRaster objects (Spatial GeoRaster Developer's Guide)
data (Connect for IMS, VSAM, and Adabas Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM z/OS)
LOB values using one locator (SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
LOB values, read consistent locators (SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
LOB with PL/SQL bind variable (SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
LOBs (Data Provider for .NET Developer's Guide)
LOBs using SQL and DBMS_LOB (SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
locators (SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
locking before (SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
locking prior to (SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
     [subentry #3] (SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
rows in tables and views (Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
SAP object definitions (Warehouse Builder User's Guide)
See also upgrading
source definitions (Warehouse Builder User's Guide)
target schema (Warehouse Builder User's Guide)
updating a DataSet obtained from a REF CURSOR (Data Provider for .NET Developer's Guide)
updating configuration properties (Data Guard Broker)
updating data (2 Day + Java Developer's Guide)
edit.jsp (2 Day + Java Developer's Guide)
Java class (2 Day + Java Developer's Guide)
JSP pages (2 Day + Java Developer's Guide)
update action, handling (2 Day + Java Developer's Guide)
update_action.jsp (2 Day + Java Developer's Guide)
Updating files and registrations (Oracle Objects for OLE Developer's Guide)
updating index performance
FAQs (Text Application Developer's Guide)
updating Instant Client (Client Installation Guide for Linux)
updating labeled data (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
updating LOBs using a DataSet (Data Provider for .NET Developer's Guide)
updating LOBs using ODP.NET LOB objects (Data Provider for .NET Developer's Guide)
updating LOBs using OracleCommand and OracleParameter (Data Provider for .NET Developer's Guide)
updating mapping documents (Multimedia DICOM Developer's Guide)
updating repository resource (XML DB Developer's Guide)
updating result sets (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
updating tables
with parent keys (Concepts)
     [subentry #2] (Concepts)
updating the data model (Multimedia DICOM Developer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Multimedia DICOM Developer's Guide)
updating without PrimaryKey and Constraints (Data Provider for .NET Developer's Guide)
updating XML data
partial update
definition (XML DB Developer's Guide)
to create XML views with different data (XML DB Developer's Guide)
updating same node more than once (XML DB Developer's Guide)
using SQL functions (XML DB Developer's Guide)
optimization (XML DB Developer's Guide)
updating your applications (Text Application Developer's Guide)
updating, rows in tables and views (Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
from a previous Oracle Services for Microsoft Transaction Server installation (Services for Microsoft Transaction Server Developer's Guide)
of Cluster Ready Services (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
of existing Oracle Databases (Real Application Clusters Installation Guide for Linux and UNIX)
of listener (Real Application Clusters Installation Guide for Linux and UNIX)
of Oracle Clusterware (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
of Oracle Database with patch (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #2] (Real Application Clusters Installation Guide for Linux and UNIX)
requirements (Services for Microsoft Transaction Server Developer's Guide)
to the cost-based optimizer (Performance Tuning Guide)
UPGRADE CATALOG command (Backup and Recovery Reference)
UPGRADE clause
of ALTER DATABASE (SQL Language Reference)
of ALTER TABLE (SQL Language Reference)
Upgrade EUS (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
Upgrade from Oracle8i to Oracle Database 10g (COM Automation Feature Developer's Guide)
Upgrade from Oracle9i to Oracle Database 10g (COM Automation Feature Developer's Guide)
upgrade methods
choosing (Upgrade Guide)
Database Upgrade Assistant (Upgrade Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Upgrade Guide)
Export/Import (Upgrade Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Upgrade Guide)
manual (Upgrade Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Upgrade Guide)
silent mode (Upgrade Guide)
upgrade paths (Upgrade Guide)
upgrade the Visual Workbench Repository (Gateway for WebSphere MQ Installation and User's Guide)
UPGRADE_STAT_TABLE procedure (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
upgraded databases
configuring (Administrator's Reference for Linux and UNIX)
     [subentry #2] (Installation Guide for Linux)
upgradeGeoRaster function (Spatial GeoRaster Developer's Guide)
UpgradeHistoryColumns procedure (Workspace Manager Developer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Real Application Clusters Installation Guide for Linux and UNIX)
application (High Availability Overview)
ASM rolling upgrades (Real Application Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide)
ASM rolling upgrades, Preface (Real Application Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide)
database (High Availability Overview)
stopping processes (Real Application Clusters Installation Guide for Linux and UNIX)
with logical standby databases (High Availability Overview)
upgrading (Administrator's Reference for Linux and UNIX)
     [entry #2] (Data Mining Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #3] (Installation Guide for Linux)
7.x to 8.0 (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
7.x to 8.0 OCI (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
abandoning (Upgrade Guide)
advantages with separate Oracle homes (Installation Guide for Linux)
and using same Oracle home (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #2] (Real Application Clusters Installation Guide for Linux and UNIX)
     [subentry #3] (Real Application Clusters Installation Guide for Linux and UNIX)
applications (Upgrade Guide)
compatibility rules (Upgrade Guide)
options (Upgrade Guide)
relinking (Upgrade Guide)
ASM (Upgrade Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Upgrade Guide)
Automatic Storage Management (Installation Guide for Linux)
backup strategy (Upgrade Guide)
binary XML storage (Upgrade Guide)
considerations (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX PA-RISC (64-Bit), Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), and Linux x86)
     [subentry #2] (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
Data Guard (Data Guard Broker)
     [subentry #2] (Data Guard Broker)
data to current Spatial release (Spatial Developer's Guide)
databases (Installation Guide for Linux)
design metatdata (Warehouse Builder Installation and Administration Guide)
Design Repository (Warehouse Builder Installation and Administration Guide)
existing TIP specifications (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX PA-RISC (64-Bit), Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), and Linux x86)
     [subentry #2] (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX PA-RISC (64-Bit), Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), and Linux x86)
     [subentry #3] (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
     [subentry #4] (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
GeoRaster (Spatial Developer's Guide)
initialization parameters (Upgrade Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Upgrade Guide)
new administrative procedures (Upgrade Guide)
obfuscating password (Installation Guide for Linux)
online using Streams (Streams Concepts and Administration)
assumptions (Streams Concepts and Administration)
capture database (Streams Concepts and Administration)
instantiation (Streams Concepts and Administration)
job queue processes (Streams Concepts and Administration)
PL/SQL package subprograms (Streams Concepts and Administration)
user-defined types (Streams Concepts and Administration)
Oracle Application Express (Upgrade Guide)
Oracle Clusterware (Upgrade Guide)
Oracle Database (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
Oracle Database software (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
Oracle database software (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
Oracle database software version (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
Oracle Enterprise Manager (Data Guard Broker)
Oracle Forms applications (Upgrade Guide)
Oracle Real Application Clusters (Upgrade Guide)
ORADIM (Upgrade Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Upgrade Guide)
post upgrade actions (Upgrade Guide)
post-upgrade actions (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
preparation (Upgrade Guide)
protection mode (Data Guard Broker)
recovery catalog (Upgrade Guide)
requirements (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
rolling upgrades (Upgrade Guide)
running the CATUPGRD.SQL script (Upgrade Guide)
runtime repository (Warehouse Builder Installation and Administration Guide)
scripts (Reference)
     [subentry #2] (Upgrade Guide)
     [subentry #3] (Upgrade Guide)
Spatial to current Oracle Database release (Spatial Developer's Guide)
SQL*Plus scripts (Upgrade Guide)
statistics tables (Upgrade Guide)
testing (Upgrade Guide)
troubleshooting (Upgrade Guide)
updating mapping configuration for new features (Warehouse Builder Installation and Administration Guide)
using the Database Upgrade Assistant (Upgrade Guide)
when to set the COMPATIBLE initialization parameter (Upgrade Guide)
upgrading a database (2 Day DBA)
     [entry #2] (Administrator's Guide)
steps (2 Day DBA)
upgrading an Oracle Multimedia installation (Multimedia User's Guide)
upgrading from previous release
requirements (Spatial GeoRaster Developer's Guide)
upgrading OCI (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
upgrading Oracle XML DB (XML DB Developer's Guide)
upgrading spatial data to current release (Spatial Developer's Guide)
upgrading the recovery catalog (Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
upgrading to another Workspace Manager release (Workspace Manager Developer's Guide)
upgrading Warehouse Builder (Warehouse Builder Installation and Administration Guide)
uploading media
Oracle Multimedia Java Classes (Multimedia User's Guide)
Oracle Multimedia Java Classes for Servlets and JSP (Multimedia User's Guide)
PL/SQL (Multimedia User's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Multimedia User's Guide)
UPPER function (Advanced Application Developer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (SQL Language Quick Reference)
     [entry #3] (SQL Language Reference)
uppercase characters (Reference)
UPSERT ALL statement (Data Warehousing Guide)
UPSERT statement (Data Warehousing Guide)
UPTIME_THRESHOLD attribute (Clusterware Administration and Deployment Guide)
URI prefix
using when values are not stored as URIs (Semantic Technologies Developer's Guide)
URI type mapping (JPublisher User's Guide)
URI Types
description (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
URI, definition, Glossary (XML Developer's Kit Programmer's Guide)
UriFactory package (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
ESCAPEURI function (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
GETURL function (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
methods (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
REGISTERURLHANDLER procedure (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
UNESCAPEURI function (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
UNREGISTERURLHANDLER procedure (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
configuring to handle DBURI-ref (XML DB Developer's Guide)
creating subtypes of URIType (XML DB Developer's Guide)
URIPREFIX keyword (Semantic Technologies Developer's Guide)
examples (XML DB Developer's Guide)
UriType supertype (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
GETBLOB function (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
GETCLOB function (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
GETCONTENTTYPE function (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
GETEXTERNALURL function (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
GETURL function (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
GETXML function (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
methods (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
database and session (XML DB Developer's Guide)
DBUri-ref (XML DB Developer's Guide)
HTTP access for DBUri-ref (XML DB Developer's Guide)
URIFACTORY PL/SQL package (XML DB Developer's Guide)
URIType examples (XML DB Developer's Guide)
determining (2 Day + Application Express Developer's Guide)
publishing (2 Day + Application Express Developer's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Application Express User's Guide)
SSL-enabled (Application Express User's Guide)
syntax (Application Express User's Guide)
     [entry #2] (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
zero as session ID (Application Express User's Guide)
URL (uniform resource locator) (PL/SQL Language Reference)
URL boundary rule (Ultra Search Administrator's Guide)
URL link filtering (Ultra Search Administrator's Guide)
URL link rewriting (Ultra Search Administrator's Guide)
URL looping (Ultra Search Administrator's Guide)
url option (customizer harness) (SQLJ Developer's Guide and Reference)
url option for checking (sqlj -url) (SQLJ Developer's Guide and Reference)
URL OTT parameter (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
URL rewriter (Ultra Search Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Ultra Search Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #3] (Ultra Search Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #4] (Ultra Search Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #5] (Ultra Search Administrator's Guide)
creating (Ultra Search Administrator's Guide)
using (Ultra Search Administrator's Guide)
URL rewriter API (Ultra Search Administrator's Guide)
URL status codes (Ultra Search Administrator's Guide)
URL submissions (Ultra Search Administrator's Guide)
URL syntax (Text Reference)
URL, database
default prefix for online checking (SQLJ Developer's Guide and Reference)
SIDs deprecated (SQLJ Developer's Guide and Reference)
use of database service names (SQLJ Developer's Guide and Reference)
URL, definition, Glossary (XML Developer's Kit Programmer's Guide)
about (Text Application Developer's Guide)
example (Text Application Developer's Guide)
attributes for (Text Reference)
example (Text Reference)
URL_DATASTORE system-defined preference (Text Reference)
UrlRewriter (Ultra Search Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Ultra Search Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #3] (Ultra Search Administrator's Guide)
for KPRB driver (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
generating (SQL Language Reference)
storing (Text Application Developer's Guide)
urlsize attribute (Text Reference)
url-rewrite-rule (Globalization Support Guide)
pseudocolumn (PL/SQL Language Reference)
Universal ROWID (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
UROWID data type (OLAP DML Reference)
UROWID data types
in logical standby databases (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
UROWID datatype
     [entry #2] (Concepts)
     [entry #3] (PL/SQL Language Reference)
     [entry #4] (SQL Language Reference)
accessing (Advanced Application Developer's Guide)
UROWID_TABLE Table Type (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
and foreign tables (SQL Language Reference)
and index-organized tables (SQL Language Reference)
description of (SQL Language Reference)
us (Advanced Replication)
supersets (Globalization Support Guide)
USAGE(ASIS) (Gateway for APPC User's Guide)
USAGE(PASS) (Gateway for APPC User's Guide)
datatype conversion (Gateway for APPC User's Guide)
FILLER (Gateway for APPC User's Guide)
PIC 9 (Gateway for APPC User's Guide)
PIC G (Gateway for APPC User's Guide)
format conversion
OCCURS DEPENDING ON (Gateway for APPC User's Guide)
OCCURS n TIMES (Gateway for APPC User's Guide)
USAGE(SKIP) (Gateway for APPC User's Guide)
thread context (Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
     [subentry #3] (Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
use cases
for coordinate system transformation (Spatial Developer's Guide)
Use for Heterogeneous Services option in Oracle Net Manager (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
Use Options Compatible with Net8 8.0 Clients option (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Net Services Reference)
Use Oracle8 Release 8.0 Compatible Identification option (Net Services Reference)
Use Oracle8i Release 8.0 Compatible Identification option (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
setting transactions (PL/SQL Language Reference)
USE_CONCAT hint (SQL Language Reference)
USE_DEDICATED_SERVER networking parameter (Net Services Reference)
USE_HASH hint (SQL Language Reference)
USE_INDIRECT_DATA_BUFFERS initialization parameter (Reference)
USE_INDIRECT_DATA_BUFFERS parameter (Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Administrator's Reference for Linux and UNIX)
USE_MERGE hint (SQL Language Reference)
USE_NL hint (SQL Language Reference)
USE_NL_WITH_INDEX hint (SQL Language Reference)
USE_PLUG_AND_PLAY_listener_name parameter (Net Services Reference)
USE_PRIVATE_OUTLINES session parameter (SQL Language Reference)
USE_ROLLBACK_SEGMENT procedure (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
USE_SCALAR_TYPES_FOR_VALIDTIME system parameter (Workspace Manager Developer's Guide)
USE_STORED_OUTLINES parameter (Performance Tuning Guide)
     [entry #2] (Performance Tuning Guide)
USE_STORED_OUTLINES session parameter (SQL Language Reference)
     [entry #2] (SQL Language Reference)
USE_TIMESTAMP_TYPE_FOR_HISTORY system parameter (Workspace Manager Developer's Guide)
USEBINARYSTREAM Function (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
UseDefaultValuesForNulls procedure (Workspace Manager Developer's Guide)
USEITEMTAGSFORCOLL procedure (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
USENULLATTRIBUTEINDICATOR procedure (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
     [entry #2] (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
creating (2 Day DBA)
creating by duplication (2 Day DBA)
creating Oracle Text (Text Application Developer's Guide)
duplicating (2 Day DBA)
get e-mail address (Application Express User's Guide)
remove preference (Application Express User's Guide)
system-defined (Text Application Developer's Guide)
viewing (2 Day DBA)
user access
auditing by (Security Guide)
restricting by IP address (Application Express User's Guide)
user account
altering (Application Express User's Guide)
creating (Application Express User's Guide)
creating new (Application Express User's Guide)
deleting (Application Express User's Guide)
editing (Application Express User's Guide)
fetching (Application Express User's Guide)
removing (Application Express User's Guide)
update email address (Application Express User's Guide)
updating FIRST_NAME (Application Express User's Guide)
updating LAST_NAME value (Application Express User's Guide)
updating USER_NAME value (Application Express User's Guide)
user accounts
about (2 Day + Security Guide)
administrative (2 Day DBA)
administrative user passwords (2 Day + Security Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Security Guide)
controlling account availability (Application Express User's Guide)
changing password, importance of (2 Day + Security Guide)
default user account (Security Guide)
description (2 Day DBA)
expiring (2 Day + Security Guide)
finding information on (2 Day + Security Guide)
locking (2 Day + Security Guide)
password guidelines (Security Guide)
password requirements (2 Day + Security Guide)
passwords, encrypted (Security Guide)
post-installation setup (Real Application Clusters Installation Guide for Linux and UNIX)
     [subentry #2] (Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #3] (Administrator's Guide)
administrative (2 Day + Security Guide)
non-administrative (2 Day + Security Guide)
sample schema (2 Day + Security Guide)
requiring password change (Application Express User's Guide)
securing (2 Day + Security Guide)
unlocking (2 Day + Security Guide)
user activity
Top Actions (2 Day + Performance Tuning Guide)
Top Clients (2 Day + Performance Tuning Guide)
Top Files (2 Day + Performance Tuning Guide)
Top Modules (2 Day + Performance Tuning Guide)
Top Objects (2 Day + Performance Tuning Guide)
Top PL/SQL (2 Day + Performance Tuning Guide)
Top Services (2 Day + Performance Tuning Guide)
top services (2 Day + Performance Tuning Guide)
Top SQL (2 Day + Performance Tuning Guide)
Top Working Sessions (2 Day + Performance Tuning Guide)
user authentication (2 Day + Java Developer's Guide)
Internet operations (Streams Advanced Queuing User's Guide)
user authorizations
compartments (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
groups (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
levels (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
understanding (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
USER clause (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
user configuration file
     [entry #2] (SQL*Module for Ada Programmer's Guide)
to set precompiler options (Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
user dictionary, modifying (Text Reference)
user equivalence (2 Day + Real Application Clusters Guide)
     [entry #2] (2 Day + Real Application Clusters Guide)
testing (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
user errors
     [entry #2] (Concepts)
definition (Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
recovery from (Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
user exit (Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
calling from a SQL*Forms trigger (Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
common uses (Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
example (Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
guidelines (Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
linking into IAP (Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
meaning of codes returned by (Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
naming (Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
passing parameters (Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
requirements for variables (Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
running the GENXTB form (Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
statements allowed in (Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
steps in developing (Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
using EXEC IAF statements (Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
using EXEC TOOLS statements (Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
using the WHENEVER statement (Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
User Exits (Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
user exits
calling from a SQL*Forms trigger (Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
common uses for (Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
example of (Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
kinds of statements allowed in (Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
linking into IAP (Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
meaning of codes returned by (Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
naming (Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
passing parameters to (Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
requirements for variables in (Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
running the GENXTB form (Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
running the GENXTB utility for (Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
use of WHENEVER statement in (Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
USER function (Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
     [entry #3] (SQL Language Quick Reference)
     [entry #4] (SQL Language Reference)
global application contexts (Security Guide)
User Global Area (UGA)
application contexts, storing in (Security Guide)
user global area (UGA)
shared servers (Performance Tuning Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Performance Tuning Guide)
V$SESSTAT (Performance Tuning Guide)
user ID (Data Mining Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Data Mining Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #3] (Data Mining Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #4] (Data Mining Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #5] (Data Mining Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #6] (Data Mining Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #7] (Data Mining Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #8] (Data Mining Administrator's Guide)
as security authentication (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX PA-RISC (64-Bit), Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), and Linux x86)
     [subentry #2] (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
uppercase translation, OLTP and SNA communications packages, on all platforms (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX PA-RISC (64-Bit), Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), and Linux x86)
user ID mapping
DB2/400 (Gateway Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX PA-RISC (64-Bit), Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
     [subentry #2] (Gateway Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
DB2/OS390 (Gateway Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX PA-RISC (64-Bit), Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64)
     [subentry #2] (Gateway Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
OLTP (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX PA-RISC (64-Bit), Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), and Linux x86)
     [subentry #2] (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
user ID, retrieving (OLAP DML Reference)
user identity
establishing (Application Express User's Guide)
verifying (Application Express User's Guide)
user IDs
identifying existing (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #2] (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #3] (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
specifying (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #2] (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #3] (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
specifying on other nodes (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #2] (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #3] (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
user information directory (SQLDEVELOPER_USER_DIR) (SQL Developer User's Guide)
user interface
     [entry #2] (Java Developer's Guide)
about (Application Express User's Guide)
changing using themes (2 Day + Application Express Developer's Guide)
controlling (Application Express User's Guide)
externalizing translatable strings (2 Day + PHP Developer's Guide)
navigation options (Application Express User's Guide)
translating (2 Day + PHP Developer's Guide)
user interface (UI) (SQL Developer User's Guide)
     [entry #2] (SQL Developer User's Guide)
User Interface Defaults
importing (Application Express User's Guide)
user interface defaults (Application Express User's Guide)
column definition (Application Express User's Guide)
comparing (Application Express User's Guide)
exporting (Application Express User's Guide)
leveraging (Application Express User's Guide)
reports (Application Express User's Guide)
User Interface XML (XML Developer's Kit Programmer's Guide)
User Interface XML (UIX), definition, Glossary (XML Developer's Kit Programmer's Guide)
user interfaces (Advanced Application Developer's Guide)
for native floating-point datatypes (Advanced Application Developer's Guide)
overview (Data Guard Broker)
stateful and stateless (Advanced Application Developer's Guide)
user interrupt handler (Administrator's Reference for Linux and UNIX)
user locks (Advanced Application Developer's Guide)
user memory
allocating (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
user messages (Streams Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #2] (Streams Concepts and Administration)
user migration utility
access to interface table (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
accessing help (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
ATTENTION_DESCRIPTION column (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
CASCADE parameter (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
CASCADE_FLAG column (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
certificate authenticated users (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
DBPASSWORD column (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
DBPASSWORD_EXIST_FLAG column (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
directory location of utility (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
DIRPASSWORD column (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
parameter text file (par.txt) (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
users list text file (usrs.txt) (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
using CASCADE=NO (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
using CASCADE=YES (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
using MAPSCHEMA=PRIVATE (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
using MAPSCHEMA=SHARED (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
using MAPTYPE options (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
using PARFILE, USERSFILE, and LOGFILE parameters (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
KERBEROS_PNAME column (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
LOGFILE precedence (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
MAPPING_LEVEL column (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
MAPPING_TYPE column (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
MAPSCHEMA parameter
PRIVATE (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
SHARED (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
MAPTYPE parameter
DB mapping type (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
DOMAIN mapping type (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
ENTRY mapping level (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
SUBTREE mapping level (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
SUBTREE mapping level (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
NEEDS_ATTENTION_FLAG column (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
OLD_SCHEMA_TYPE column (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
ORCL_GLOBAL_USR_MIGRATION_DATA interface table (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
password authenticated users (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
PASSWORD_VERIFIER column (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
PHASE_COMPLETED column (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
retrieving dropped schema objects (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
shared schema mapping (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
SHARED_SCHEMA column (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
SSL authentication for current release (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
SYS schema (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
USER parameter
ALL_EXTERNAL (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
ALL_GLOBAL (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
LIST (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
USERSFILE (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
USERDN column (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
USERDN_EXIST_FLAG column (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
USERNAME column (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
uses Oracle JDBC OCI driver (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
X.509 v3 certificates (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
user mode export
specifying (Utilities)
user names (OLAP User's Guide)
reports, Username/Password Tables Report (Vault Administrator's Guide)
schemas (Security Guide)
user option (JPublisher User's Guide)
user option (customizer harness) (SQLJ Developer's Guide and Reference)
user option (JPublisher -user) (SQLJ Developer's Guide and Reference)
user option for checking (sqlj -user) (SQLJ Developer's Guide and Reference)
user parameter
Database Character Set Scanner (Globalization Support Guide)
user preferences
managing (Application Express User's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Application Express User's Guide)
purging (Application Express User's Guide)
removing programatically (Application Express User's Guide)
report (Application Express User's Guide)
resetting using a page process (Application Express User's Guide)
setting (Application Express User's Guide)
viewing (Application Express User's Guide)
user privileges
     [entry #2] (Gateway for DRDA User's Guide)
about (2 Day + Application Express Developer's Guide)
user processes
connections and (Concepts)
dedicated server processes and (Concepts)
sessions and (Concepts)
shared server processes and (Concepts)
trace files (Reference)
user profile
     [entry #2] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
glogin.sql (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
login.sql (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
     [subentry #2] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
See also site profile
SQL*Plus (Administrator's Reference for Linux and UNIX)
user profiles
definition (Concepts)
user profiles, editing (Warehouse Builder Installation and Administration Guide)
user program interface (UPI) (Concepts)
user programs
for Pro*C/C++ (Administrator's Reference for Linux and UNIX)
OCCI (Administrator's Reference for Linux and UNIX)
OCI (Administrator's Reference for Linux and UNIX)
Pro*C/C++ (Administrator's Reference for Linux and UNIX)
Pro*COBOL (Administrator's Reference for Linux and UNIX)
SQL*Module for Ada (Administrator's Reference for Linux and UNIX)
USER pseudo column (Security Guide)
user requests (Performance Tuning Guide)
user resources
limiting (Data Warehousing Guide)
user roles
about (2 Day + Application Express Developer's Guide)
Application Express administrator (Installation Guide for Linux)
developer (2 Day + Application Express Developer's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Application Express User's Guide)
     [subentry #3] (Application Express User's Guide)
     [subentry #4] (Application Express User's Guide)
     [subentry #5] (Installation Guide for Linux)
end user (2 Day + Application Express Developer's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Installation Guide for Linux)
Oracle Application Express administrator (2 Day + Application Express Developer's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Application Express User's Guide)
     [subentry #3] (Application Express User's Guide)
Workspace administrator (Application Express User's Guide)
workspace administrator (2 Day + Application Express Developer's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Installation Guide for Linux)
Workspace administrators (Application Express User's Guide)
user session
     [entry #2] (Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
     [entry #3] (Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
definition of (Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
user session handle
attributes (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
description (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
setting in service context (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
user session information
retrieving (2 Day + Security Guide)
user sessions
causing switchover failures (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
user sessions, multiple within single database connection (Security Guide)
USER SYS clause
of CREATE DATABASE (SQL Language Reference)
of CREATE DATABASE (SQL Language Reference)
USER tablespace
raw device for
on Linux (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
user type map (JPublisher User's Guide)
user variable
See substitution variable
user XDB (XML DB Developer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (XML DB Developer's Guide)
     [entry #3] (XML DB Developer's Guide)
     [entry #4] (XML DB Developer's Guide)
     [entry #5] (XML DB Developer's Guide)
     [entry #6] (XML DB Developer's Guide)
     [entry #7] (XML DB Developer's Guide)
     [entry #8] (XML DB Developer's Guide)
     [entry #9] (XML DB Developer's Guide)
     [entry #10] (XML DB Developer's Guide)
USER_ views (Concepts)
USER_ADDM_FINDINGS view (Reference)
USER_ADDM_INSTANCES view (Reference)
USER_ADDM_TASKS view (Reference)
USER_ADVISOR_LOG view (Reference)
USER_ADVISOR_SQLW_SUM view (Reference)
USER_ADVISOR_TASKS view (Reference)
USER_ALL_TABLES view (Reference)
USER_ANNOTATION_TEXT_METADATA view (Spatial Developer's Guide)
USER_AQ_AGENT_PRIVS view (Reference)
USER_ARGUMENTS view (Reference)
USER_ASSEMBLIES view (Reference)
USER_ASSOCIATIONS view (Reference)
User Transformation Functions (Streams Advanced Queuing User's Guide)
USER_AUDIT_OBJECT (Data Mining Administrator's Guide)
USER_AUDIT_OBJECT view (Reference)
USER_AUDIT_POLICIES view (Reference)
USER_AUDIT_SESSION view (Reference)
USER_AUDIT_TRAIL view (Reference)
USER_AW_OBJ view (OLAP User's Guide)
USER_AW_PROP view (OLAP User's Guide)
USER_AW_PS view (OLAP User's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
USER_AWS view (OLAP User's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
USER_CATALOG view (Gateway for DRDA User's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
CAT synonym (Reference)
USER_CLU_COLUMNS view (Reference)
USER_CLUSTERS view (Reference)
CLU synonym (Reference)
USER_COL_COMMENTS data dictionary view (SQL Language Reference)
USER_COL_COMMENTS view (Gateway for DRDA User's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
USER_COL_PRIVS view (Reference)
USER_COL_PRIVS_MADE view (Reference)
USER_COL_PRIVS_RECD view (Reference)
USER_COLL_TYPES view (Reference)
USER_COMPARISON view (Reference)
USER_CONS_COLUMNS view (Gateway for DRDA User's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
USER_CONS_OBJ_COLUMNS view (Reference)
USER_CONSTRAINTS view (Gateway for DRDA User's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
USER_CUBE_DIM_LEVELS view (Reference)
USER_CUBE_DIM_MODELS view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
USER_CUBE_DIM_VIEWS view (OLAP User's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
USER_CUBE_MEASURES view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
USER_CUBE_VIEWS view (Reference)
USER_CUBES view (Reference)
USER_DATAPUMP_JOBS view (Reference)
USER_DATASTORE (Text Application Developer's Guide)
about (Text Application Developer's Guide)
USER_DATASTORE object (Text Reference)
example (Text Reference)
filtering binary documents (Text Reference)
USER_DB_LINKS data dictionary view (Gateway for DRDA User's Guide)
USER_DB_LINKS view (Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #3] (Reference)
USER_DEPENDENCIES view (Reference)
user_dic attribute (Text Reference)
USER_DIM_ATTRIBUTES view (Reference)
USER_DIM_CHILD_OF view (Reference)
USER_DIM_JOIN_KEY view (Reference)
USER_DIM_LEVEL_KEY view (Reference)
USER_DIM_LEVELS view (Reference)
USER_DIMENSIONS view (Reference)
USER_DUMP_DEST initialization parameter (Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #3] (Error Messages)
     [entry #4] (Performance Tuning Guide)
     [entry #5] (Reference)
SQL Trace (Performance Tuning Guide)
USER_ERRORS (Java Developer's Guide)
USER_ERRORS view (Reference)
USER_EXPFIL_ASET_FUNCTIONS view (Rules Manager and Expression Filter Developer's Guide)
USER_EXPFIL_ATTRIBUTE_SETS view (Rules Manager and Expression Filter Developer's Guide)
USER_EXPFIL_ATTRIBUTES view (Rules Manager and Expression Filter Developer's Guide)
USER_EXPFIL_DEF_INDEX_PARAMS view (Rules Manager and Expression Filter Developer's Guide)
USER_EXPFIL_EXPRESSION_SETS view (Rules Manager and Expression Filter Developer's Guide)
USER_EXPFIL_EXPRSET_STATS view (Rules Manager and Expression Filter Developer's Guide)
USER_EXPFIL_INDEX_PARAMS view (Rules Manager and Expression Filter Developer's Guide)
USER_EXPFIL_INDEXES view (Rules Manager and Expression Filter Developer's Guide)
USER_EXPFIL_PREDTAB_ATTRIBUTES view (Rules Manager and Expression Filter Developer's Guide)
USER_EXPFIL_PRIVILEGES view (Rules Manager and Expression Filter Developer's Guide)
USER_EXPFIL_TEXT_INDEX_ERRORS view (Rules Manager and Expression Filter Developer's Guide)
USER_EXPORT procedures (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
USER_EXTENTS view (Reference)
USER_FILE_GROUP_FILES view (Reference)
USER_FILE_GROUPS view (Reference)
USER_FILTER (Text Application Developer's Guide)
USER_FILTER object (Text Reference)
example (Text Reference)
USER_FREE_SPACE view (Reference)
USER_HISTORY$ table (Vault Administrator's Guide)
USER_ID column
TKPROF_TABLE (Performance Tuning Guide)
USER_IDENTIFIERS view (Reference)
USER_IND_COLUMNS view (Reference)
USER_IND_PARTITIONS view (Reference)
USER_IND_STATISTICS view (Reference)
USER_INDEXES view (Gateway for DRDA User's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
IND synonym (Reference)
USER_INDEXTYPE_COMMENTS data dictionary view (SQL Language Reference)
USER_INDEXTYPE_COMMENTS view (Data Cartridge Developer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
USER_INDEXTYPES view (Reference)
USER_JAVA_ARGUMENTS view (Reference)
USER_JAVA_CLASSES view (Reference)
USER_JAVA_FIELDS view (Reference)
USER_JAVA_INNERS view (Reference)
USER_JAVA_LAYOUTS view (Reference)
USER_JAVA_METHODS view (Reference)
USER_JAVA_NCOMPS view (Reference)
USER_JAVA_POLICY view (Java Developer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Java Developer's Guide)
     [entry #3] (Java Developer's Guide)
     [entry #4] (Reference)
USER_JAVA_RESOLVERS view (Reference)
USER_JAVA_THROWS view (Reference)
USER_JOBS view (Reference)
ALL_JOBS synonym (Reference)
USER_JOIN_IND_COLUMNS view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
USER_LEXER object (Text Reference)
and CTXRULE index (Text Reference)
USER_LIBRARIES view (Reference)
USER_LOB_PARTITIONS view (Reference)
USER_LOB_TEMPLATES view (Reference)
USER_LOBS view (Reference)
USER_LOG_GROUPS view (Reference)
USER_METHOD_PARAMS view (Reference)
USER_METHOD_RESULTS view (Reference)
USER_MINING_MODEL_ATTRIBUTES (Data Mining Administrator's Guide)
USER_MINING_MODEL_SETTINGS (Data Mining Administrator's Guide)
USER_MINING_MODELS (Data Mining Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Data Mining Administrator's Guide)
USER_MINING_MODELS view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Workspace Manager Developer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Workspace Manager Developer's Guide)
USER_MVIEW_ANALYSIS view (Reference)
USER_MVIEW_COMMENTS data dictionary view (SQL Language Reference)
USER_MVIEW_COMMENTS view (Reference)
USER_MVIEW_JOINS view (Reference)
USER_MVIEW_KEYS view (Reference)
USER_MVIEW_LOGS view (Reference)
USER_MVIEWS view (OLAP User's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
USER_NESTED_TABLES view (Reference)
USER_OBJ_AUDIT_OPTS (Data Mining Administrator's Guide)
USER_OBJ_AUDIT_OPTS view (Reference)
USER_OBJ_COLATTRS view (Reference)
USER_OBJECT_SIZE view (Reference)
USER_OBJECT_TABLES view (Reference)
USER_OBJECTS (Java Developer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Java Developer's Guide)
     [entry #3] (Java Developer's Guide)
accessing, example (Java Developer's Guide)
USER_OBJECTS view (Gateway for DRDA User's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
OBJ synonym (Reference)
USER_OPANCILLARY view (Reference)
USER_OPARGUMENTS view (Reference)
USER_OPBINDINGS view (Reference)
USER_OPERATOR_COMMENTS data dictionary view (SQL Language Reference)
USER_OPERATORS view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
ALL_OUTLINE_HINTS synonym (Reference)
stored outline hints (Performance Tuning Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
ALL_OUTLINES synonym (Reference)
stored outlines (Performance Tuning Guide)
USER_PART_INDEXES view (Reference)
USER_PART_KEY_COLUMNS view (Reference)
USER_PART_LOBS view (Reference)
USER_PART_TABLES view (Reference)
USER_POLICIES view (Reference)
USER_POLICY_GROUPS view (Reference)
USER_PROCEDURES view (Reference)
USER_PROXIES view (Reference)
ALL_PUBLISHED_COLUMNS synonym (Reference)
USER_QUEUE_SCHEDULES (Streams Advanced Queuing User's Guide)
USER_QUEUE_SUBSCRIBERS (Streams Advanced Queuing User's Guide)
USER_QUEUE_TABLES (Streams Advanced Queuing User's Guide)
USER_QUEUE_TABLES view (Reference)
USER_QUEUES (Streams Advanced Queuing User's Guide)
USER_QUEUES view (Reference)
USER_RECYCLEBIN view (Reference)
RECYCLEBIN synonym (Reference)
USER_REFRESH view (Advanced Replication)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
USER_REFRESH_CHILDREN view (Advanced Replication)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
USER_REFS view (Reference)
USER_REGISTRY view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Workspace Manager Developer's Guide)
USER_REPCAT view (Reference)
USER_REPCAT_REFRESH_TEMPLATES view (Advanced Replication Management API Reference)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
USER_REPCAT_TEMP_OUTPUT view (Advanced Replication Management API Reference)
USER_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_OBJECTS view (Advanced Replication Management API Reference)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
USER_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_PARMS view (Advanced Replication Management API Reference)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
USER_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_SITES view (Advanced Replication Management API Reference)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
USER_REPCAT_USER_AUTHORIZATIONS view (Advanced Replication Management API Reference)
USER_REPCAT_USER_PARM_VALUES view (Advanced Replication Management API Reference)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
USER_REPCATLOG view (Advanced Replication Management API Reference)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
USER_REPCOLUMN view (Advanced Replication Management API Reference)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
USER_REPCOLUMN_GROUP view (Advanced Replication Management API Reference)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
USER_REPCONFLICT view (Advanced Replication Management API Reference)
     [entry #2] (Advanced Replication Management API Reference)
     [entry #3] (Reference)
USER_REPDDL view (Advanced Replication Management API Reference)
     [entry #2] (Advanced Replication Management API Reference)
     [entry #3] (Reference)
USER_REPFLAVORS view (Reference)
USER_REPGENERATED view (Reference)
USER_REPGENOBJECTS view (Advanced Replication Management API Reference)
     [entry #2] (Advanced Replication Management API Reference)
     [entry #3] (Reference)
USER_REPGROUP view (Advanced Replication Management API Reference)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
USER_REPGROUP_PRIVILEGES view (Advanced Replication Management API Reference)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
USER_REPGROUPED_COLUMN view (Advanced Replication Management API Reference)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
USER_REPKEY_COLUMNS view (Advanced Replication Management API Reference)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
USER_REPOBJECT view (Advanced Replication Management API Reference)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
USER_REPPARAMETER_COLUMN view (Advanced Replication Management API Reference)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
USER_REPPRIORITY view (Advanced Replication Management API Reference)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
USER_REPPRIORITY_GROUP view (Advanced Replication Management API Reference)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
USER_REPPROP view (Advanced Replication Management API Reference)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
USER_REPRESOL_STATS_CONTROL view (Advanced Replication Management API Reference)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
USER_REPRESOLUTION view (Advanced Replication Management API Reference)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
USER_REPRESOLUTION_METHOD view (Advanced Replication Management API Reference)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
USER_REPRESOLUTION_STATISTICS view (Advanced Replication Management API Reference)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
USER_REPSCHEMA view (Reference)
USER_REPSITES view (Advanced Replication Management API Reference)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
USER_RESUMABLE view (Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
USER_RLMGR_COMPRCLS_PROPERTIES view (Rules Manager and Expression Filter Developer's Guide)
USER_RLMGR_COMPRSET_PROPERTIES view (Rules Manager and Expression Filter Developer's Guide)
USER_RLMGR_EVENT_STRUCTS view (Rules Manager and Expression Filter Developer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Rules Manager and Expression Filter Developer's Guide)
USER_RLMGR_PRIVILEGES view (Rules Manager and Expression Filter Developer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Rules Manager and Expression Filter Developer's Guide)
USER_RLMGR_RULE_CLASS_STATUS view (Rules Manager and Expression Filter Developer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Rules Manager and Expression Filter Developer's Guide)
USER_RLMGR_RULE_CLASSES view (Rules Manager and Expression Filter Developer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Rules Manager and Expression Filter Developer's Guide)
USER_ROLE_PRIVS view (Reference)
USER_RULE_SET_RULES view (Reference)
USER_RULE_SETS view (Reference)
USER_RULES view (Reference)
USER_SA_SESSION view (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
USER_SCHEDULER_JOBS view (Reference)
USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA view (Spatial Developer's Guide)
USER_SDO_GEOR_SYSDATA view (Spatial GeoRaster Developer's Guide)
USER_SDO_INDEX_INFO view (Spatial Developer's Guide)
USER_SDO_INDEX_METADATA view (Spatial Developer's Guide)
USER_SDO_NETWORK_CONSTRAINTS view (Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
USER_SDO_NETWORK_METADATA view (Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
USER_SDO_NETWORK_USER_DATA view (Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
USER_SDO_TOPO_INFO view (Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
USER_SDO_TOPO_METADATA view (Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
USER_SECONDARY_OBJECTS view (Data Cartridge Developer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
USER_SEGMENTS view (Reference)
Export and (Utilities)
USER_SEQUENCES view (Reference)
SEQ synonym (Reference)
USER_SOURCE view (Reference)
USER_SOURCE_TABLES view (Reference)
ALL_SOURCE_TABLES synonym (Reference)
USER_SQLJ_TYPE_ATTRS view (Reference)
USER_SQLJ_TYPES view (Reference)
USER_SQLSET view (Reference)
USER_SQLSET_BINDS view (Reference)
USER_SQLSET_PLANS view (Reference)
USER_SQLTUNE_BINDS view (Reference)
USER_SQLTUNE_PLANS view (Reference)
user_stat_extensions (Performance Tuning Guide)
     [entry #2] (Performance Tuning Guide)
User Subscription Registrations (Streams Advanced Queuing User's Guide)
ALL_SUBSCRIBED_COLUMNS synonym (Reference)
ALL_SUBSCRIBED_TABLES synonym (Reference)
ALL_SUBSCRIPTIONS synonym (Reference)
USER_SYNONYMS view (Gateway for DRDA User's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
SYN synonym (Reference)
USER_SYS_PRIVS view (Reference)
USER_TAB_COLS view (Reference)
USER_TAB_COLUMNS view (Gateway for DRDA User's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
COLS synonym (Reference)
USER_TAB_COMMENTS data dictionary view (SQL Language Reference)
USER_TAB_COMMENTS view (Gateway for DRDA User's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
USER_TAB_HISTOGRAMS view (Reference)
USER_TAB_PARTITIONS view (Reference)
USER_TAB_PRIVS view (Reference)
USER_TAB_PRIVS_MADE view (Reference)
USER_TAB_PRIVS_RECD view (Reference)
USER_TAB_STAT_PREFS view (Reference)
USER_TAB_STATISTICS view (Reference)
USER_TABLES view (Gateway for DRDA User's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
TABS synonym (Reference)
USER_TABLESPACES view (Reference)
USER_TRANSFORMATIONS (Streams Advanced Queuing User's Guide)
USER_TRIGGER_COLS view (Reference)
USER_TRIGGERS view (Reference)
USER_TS_QUOTAS view (Reference)
USER_TUNE_MVIEW view (Reference)
USER_TYPE_ATTRS view (Reference)
USER_TYPE_METHODS view (Reference)
USER_TYPE_VERSIONS view (Reference)
USER_TYPES view (Reference)
USER_UNUSED_COL_TABS view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
USER_USERS view (Gateway for DRDA User's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
USER_USTATS view (Reference)
USER_VARRAYS view (Reference)
USER_VIEWS view (Gateway for DRDA User's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
USER_WM_CONS_COLUMNS view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Workspace Manager Developer's Guide)
USER_WM_CONSTRAINTS view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Workspace Manager Developer's Guide)
USER_WM_IND_COLUMNS view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Workspace Manager Developer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Workspace Manager Developer's Guide)
USER_WM_LOCKED_TABLES view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Workspace Manager Developer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Workspace Manager Developer's Guide)
USER_WM_PRIVS view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Workspace Manager Developer's Guide)
USER_WM_RIC_INFO view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Workspace Manager Developer's Guide)
USER_WM_TAB_TRIGGERS view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Workspace Manager Developer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Workspace Manager Developer's Guide)
USER_WM_VT_ERRORS view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Workspace Manager Developer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Workspace Manager Developer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Workspace Manager Developer's Guide)
USER_WORKSPACES view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Workspace Manager Developer's Guide)
USER_XML_INDEXES view (Reference)
USER_XML_SCHEMAS view (Reference)
USER_XML_TAB_COLS view (Reference)
USER_XML_TABLES view (Reference)
USER_XML_VIEW_COLS view (Reference)
USER_XML_VIEWS view (Reference)
useradd command (Client Installation Guide for Linux)
     [entry #2] (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
     [entry #3] (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
     [entry #4] (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
     [entry #5] (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
     [entry #6] (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
     [entry #7] (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
     [entry #8] (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
     [entry #9] (Installation Guide for Linux)
USERDN column (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
USERDN_EXIST_FLAG column (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
USERENV function (SQL Language Quick Reference)
     [entry #2] (SQL Language Reference)
     [entry #3] (Security Guide)
     [entry #4] (Security Guide)
USERENV namespace
about (Security Guide)
client identifiers (Security Guide)
command-line option (SQL*Module for Ada Programmer's Guide)
compiling Module Language files (SQL*Module for Ada Programmer's Guide)
generating interface procedure files (SQL*Module for Ada Programmer's Guide)
USERID option (OLAP DML Reference)
     [entry #2] (Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
using with the SQLCHECK option (Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
when required (Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
USERID OTT parameter (Oracle C++ Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Oracle C++ Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
     [entry #3] (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
     [entry #4] (Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
USERID parameter
Export utility (Utilities)
Import utility (Utilities)
SQL*Loader command line (Utilities)
userid parameter
Database Character Set Scanner (Globalization Support Guide)
USERID precompiler option (Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
using with the SQLCHECK option (Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
userid, specifying (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
USERLOCK.SQL script (Reference)
     [entry #2] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
connecting under different (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
     [subentry #2] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
in AUTHORIZATION clause (SQL*Module for Ada Programmer's Guide)
in CONNECT command (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
     [subentry #2] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
in COPY command (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
     [subentry #2] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
     [subentry #3] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
in SQLPLUS command (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
     [subentry #2] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
USERNAME column (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
control column (Data Warehousing Guide)
Username/Password Tables Report (Vault Administrator's Guide)
as reported in a trigger (PL/SQL Language Reference)
defining (Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
hardcoding (Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
SYS and SYSTEM (Administrator's Guide)
using with Microsoft application demo (Services for Microsoft Transaction Server Developer's Guide)
UserReports.xml (SQL Developer User's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Data Mining Administrator's Guide)
administering (2 Day DBA)
administrative option (ADMIN OPTION) (Security Guide)
allocating space for (SQL Language Reference)
altering (Security Guide)
and database links (SQL Language Reference)
ANONYMOUS (2 Day + Security Guide)
APEX_PUBLIC_USER (2 Day + Security Guide)
application users not known to database (Security Guide)
default roles (SQL Language Reference)
profiles (SQL Language Reference)
assigning roles to (Warehouse Builder Installation and Administration Guide)
assigning tablespace quotas (Administrator's Guide)
assigning unlimited quotas for (Security Guide)
auditing (Security Guide)
auditing policies (Vault Administrator's Guide)
authenticating (Reference)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Language Reference)
authenticating to a remote server (SQL Language Reference)
about (Concepts)
authentication of (Concepts)
authorize for deployment template (Advanced Replication Management API Reference)
BI (2 Day + Security Guide)
changing authentication (SQL Language Reference)
checking existence of the nobody user (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #2] (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #3] (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #4] (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #5] (Installation Guide for Linux)
creating (2 Day + Data Replication and Integration Guide)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Language Reference)
creating and editing (SQL Developer User's Guide)
creating identical users on other nodes (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #2] (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #3] (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #4] (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #5] (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #6] (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
creating in Warehouse Builder (Warehouse Builder Installation and Administration Guide)
creating the oracle user (Client Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #2] (Client Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #3] (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #4] (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #5] (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #6] (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #7] (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #8] (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #9] (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #10] (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #11] (Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #12] (Installation Guide for Linux)
CTXSYS (2 Day + Security Guide)
database role, current (Security Guide)
DBSNMP (2 Day + Security Guide)
dedicated servers and (Concepts)
default roles, changing (Security Guide)
default tablespaces (SQL Language Reference)
     [subentry #2] (Security Guide)
default tablespaces for (SQL Language Reference)
deleting (2 Day DBA)
denying access to tables and views (SQL Language Reference)
DIP (2 Day + Security Guide)
dropping (Security Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Security Guide)
dropping profiles and (Security Guide)
dropping roles and (Security Guide)
enabling roles for (Security Guide)
end-user security policies (Concepts)
enterprise (Security Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Security Guide)
enterprise identities, finding with DVF.F$PROXY_ENTERPRISE_IDENTITY (Vault Administrator's Guide)
enterprise, shared schema protection (Security Guide)
enterprise-wide identities, finding with DVF.F$ENTERPRISE_IDENTITY (Vault Administrator's Guide)
EXFSYS (2 Day + Security Guide)
expiring passwords for (2 Day DBA)
exporting (Rules Manager and Expression Filter Developer's Guide)
external (SQL Language Reference)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Language Reference)
external authentication
about (Security Guide)
advantages (Security Guide)
operating sytsem (Security Guide)
user creation (Security Guide)
finding information about (Security Guide)
finding proxy user with DVF.F$PROXYUSER (Vault Administrator's Guide)
finding session user with DVF.F$SESSION_USER (Vault Administrator's Guide)
FLOWS_020200 (2 Day + Security Guide)
FLOWS_FILES (2 Day + Security Guide)
global (SQL Language Reference)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Language Reference)
     [subentry #3] (Security Guide)
system privileges for (SQL Language Reference)
hosts, connecting to multiple
See external network services, fine-grained access to (Security Guide)
HR (2 Day + Security Guide)
in a newly created database (Administrator's Guide)
information about, viewing (Security Guide)
interaction method (Performance Tuning Guide)
interfaces (Performance Tuning Guide)
IX (2 Day + Security Guide)
LBACSYS (2 Day + Security Guide)
limiting number of (Administrator's Guide)
listed in data dictionary (Concepts)
listing roles granted to (Security Guide)
local (SQL Language Reference)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Language Reference)
location (Performance Tuning Guide)
locking accounts (SQL Language Reference)
locking and unlocking (2 Day DBA)
locks (Concepts)
login user name, finding with DVSYS.DV_LOGIN_USER (Vault Administrator's Guide)
master materialized view sites (Advanced Replication Management API Reference)
master sites (Advanced Replication Management API Reference)
     [subentry #2] (Advanced Replication Management API Reference)
     [subentry #3] (Advanced Replication Management API Reference)
     [subentry #4] (Advanced Replication Management API Reference)
     [subentry #5] (Advanced Replication Management API Reference)
     [subentry #6] (Advanced Replication Management API Reference)
materialized view sites (Advanced Replication Management API Reference)
MDDATA (2 Day + Security Guide)
MDSYS (2 Day + Security Guide)
memory use, viewing (Security Guide)
Messaging Gateway agent (Streams Advanced Queuing User's Guide)
MGMT_VIEW (2 Day + Security Guide)
modifying (2 Day DBA)
multiple (Reference)
multiuser environments (Concepts)
network authentication, external (Security Guide)
network speed (Performance Tuning Guide)
nondatabase (Security Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Security Guide)
number of (Performance Tuning Guide)
objects after dropping (Security Guide)
OE (2 Day + Security Guide)
operating system external authentication (Security Guide)
operating system nobody user (Installation Guide for Linux)
Oracle software owner user (Client Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #2] (Installation Guide for Linux)
Oracle Software Owner user (oracle) (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #2] (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
ORACLE_OCM (2 Day + Security Guide)
ORDPLUGINS (2 Day + Security Guide)
ORDSYS (2 Day + Security Guide)
OUTLN (2 Day + Security Guide)
OWBSYS (2 Day + Security Guide)
password encryption (Concepts)
     [subentry #2] (Security Guide)
password expiration of (SQL Language Reference)
password security (Concepts)
PM (2 Day + Security Guide)
policies for managing privileges (Concepts)
predefined (Administrator's Guide)
for changing passwords (Security Guide)
for creating (Security Guide)
granted to, listing (Security Guide)
of current database role (Security Guide)
processes of (Concepts)
creating (Security Guide)
specifying (Security Guide)
profiles of (Concepts)
proxy authentication (Security Guide)
proxy users, connecting as (Security Guide)
PUBLIC (2 Day + Security Guide)
PUBLIC group (Security Guide)
PUBLIC user group (Security Guide)
registering as Warehouse Builder users (Warehouse Builder Installation and Administration Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Warehouse Builder Installation and Administration Guide)
relationship with schemas (2 Day + Application Express Developer's Guide)
relationship with workspaces (2 Day + Application Express Developer's Guide)
removing from the database (SQL Language Reference)
requests (Performance Tuning Guide)
response time (Performance Tuning Guide)
restricting application roles (Security Guide)
roles and (Concepts)
     [subentry #2] (Security Guide)
for types of users (Concepts)
for types of users (Security Guide)
schemas, private (Security Guide)
schema-independent (Security Guide)
SCOTT (2 Day + Security Guide)
     [subentry #2] (2 Day + Security Guide)
security and (Concepts)
security domains of (Security Guide)
security for general users (Concepts)
security, about (Security Guide)
session, terminating (Administrator's Guide)
setting shell limits for (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
setting shell limits for UNIX users on Linux x86 (Installation Guide for Linux)
setting shell limits for users on Linux (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
SH (2 Day + Security Guide)
SI_INFORMTN_SCHEMA (2 Day + Security Guide)
SPATIAL_CSW_ADMIN_USR (2 Day + Security Guide)
SPATIAL_WFS_ADMIN_USR (2 Day + Security Guide)
specifying groups when creating (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #2] (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #3] (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #4] (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #5] (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #6] (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
SQL examples (SQL Language Reference)
SYS (2 Day + Security Guide)
SYSMAN (2 Day + Security Guide)
SYSTEM (2 Day + Security Guide)
tablespace quotas (Security Guide)
tablespace quotas, viewing (Security Guide)
temporary tablespaces for (SQL Language Reference)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Language Reference)
temporary tablespaces of (Concepts)
UNIX nobody user (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #2] (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
user accounts, creating (Security Guide)
user models and Oracle Virtual Private Database (Security Guide)
user name, specifying with CREATE USER statement (Security Guide)
user names
sessions and connections (Concepts)
using NIS (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #2] (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #3] (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #4] (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
     [subentry #5] (Clusterware Installation Guide for Linux)
views for finding information about (Security Guide)
WMSYS (2 Day + Security Guide)
XDB (2 Day + Security Guide)
XS$NULL (2 Day + Security Guide)
users accounts
creating (2 Day + Application Express Developer's Guide)
users page
Automatic Storage Management (Storage Administrator's Guide)
USERS tablespace (2 Day DBA)
described (Real Application Clusters Installation Guide for Linux and UNIX)
users, multiple
security strategy (Warehouse Builder Installation and Administration Guide)
UserSession objects
creating (OLAP Java API Developer's Guide)
usertypes option (JPublisher User's Guide)
exceptions in PL/SQL (PL/SQL Language Reference)
records (PL/SQL Language Reference)
user-defined aggregate functions (Object-Relational Developer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (SQL Language Reference)
user-defined bind variables (Performance Tuning Guide)
user-defined callback functions (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
registering (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
user-defined characters (Globalization Support Guide)
adding to a character set definition (Globalization Support Guide)
cross-references between character sets (Globalization Support Guide)
user-defined columns
auditing (Security Guide)
user-defined constructors (Object-Relational Developer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Object-Relational Developer's Guide)
     [entry #3] (Utilities)
loading column objects with (Utilities)
user-defined coordinate reference system (Spatial Developer's Guide)
user-defined data (Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
ALL_SDO_NETWORK_USER_DATA view (Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
USER_SDO_NETWORK_USER_DATA view (Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide)
user-defined data types
embedding SDO_GEOMETRY objects in (Spatial Developer's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Spatial Developer's Guide)
in logical standby databases (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
materialized views (Advanced Replication)
collections (Advanced Replication)
object tables (Advanced Replication)
ON COMMIT REFRESH clause (Advanced Replication)
REFs (Advanced Replication)
type agreement (Advanced Replication)
replication (Advanced Replication)
     [subentry #2] (Advanced Replication)
collections (Advanced Replication)
collections (Advanced Replication)
column objects (Advanced Replication)
column objects (Advanced Replication)
object tables (Advanced Replication)
REFs (Advanced Replication)
REFs (Advanced Replication)
type agreement (Advanced Replication)
See also user-defined types
See object types
user-defined datatype (Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
User-defined datatypes (SQL Language Quick Reference)
user-defined datatypes (2 Day DBA)
type agreement (Advanced Replication)
user-defined exceptions (Advanced Application Developer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Advanced Application Developer's Guide)
user-defined extensions (SQL Developer User's Guide)
user-defined function (SQL Language Quick Reference)
user-defined functions
     [entry #2] (SQL Language Reference)
arguments in (OLAP DML Reference)
data type of (OLAP DML Reference)
executing on non-Oracle database (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
name precedence of (SQL Language Reference)
naming conventions (SQL Language Reference)
restrictions on (SQL Language Reference)
user-defined hints
adding (Workspace Manager Developer's Guide)
removing (Workspace Manager Developer's Guide)
user-defined metadata (XML DB Developer's Guide)
definition (XML DB Developer's Guide)
user-defined operator (Data Cartridge Developer's Guide)
user-defined operators (SQL Language Reference)
user-defined record (Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
     [entry #3] (Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
user-defined reports
chart example (SQL Developer User's Guide)
creating and editing (SQL Developer User's Guide)
dynamic HTML example (SQL Developer User's Guide)
explanation (SQL Developer User's Guide)
folders for (SQL Developer User's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Developer User's Guide)
UserReports.xml (SQL Developer User's Guide)
user-defined run-time errors
see user-defined exceptions
user-defined snippets (SQL Developer User's Guide)
user-defined statistics
dropping (SQL Language Reference)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Language Reference)
     [subentry #3] (SQL Language Reference)
     [subentry #4] (SQL Language Reference)
     [subentry #5] (SQL Language Reference)
user-defined stored function
used in WHERE clause (Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
user-defined type (Data Cartridge Developer's Guide)
user-defined type equivalencing (Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
user-defined types
     [entry #2] (SQL Language Reference)
     [entry #3] (SQLJ Developer's Guide and Reference)
and remote databases (Object-Relational Developer's Guide)
as subprogram parameters (Advanced Application Developer's Guide)
creating (SQL Developer User's Guide)
defining (SQL Language Reference)
mapping to Java classes (SQL Language Reference)
See also object-relational model
See object types
user-managed backups (Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
backup mode (Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
control files (Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
definition (Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
determining datafile status (Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
hot backups (Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
listing files before (Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
offline tablespaces (Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
read-only tablespaces (Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
tablespace (Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
verifying (Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
whole database (Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
user-managed recovery (Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
ADD DATAFILE operation (Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
complete (Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
incomplete (Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
interrupting (Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
scenarios (Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
user-managed restore operations (Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
connection string attribute for commands (Provider for OLE DB Developer's Guide)
USETRIGGERS option (OLAP DML Reference)
USETYPEFORCOLLELEMTAG procedure (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
Dynaset object (Oracle Objects for OLE Developer's Guide)
OraParameter object (Oracle Objects for OLE Developer's Guide)
OraRef interface (Oracle Objects for OLE Developer's Guide)
using a Dynaset object (Oracle Objects for OLE Developer's Guide)
using a Parameter object (Oracle Objects for OLE Developer's Guide)
using Automation Clients (Oracle Objects for OLE Developer's Guide)
USING BACKUP CONTROL FILE clause (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
of CREATE JAVA (SQL Language Reference)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Language Reference)
of CREATE JAVA (SQL Language Reference)
using C structures (Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
USING clause (Gateway for DRDA User's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Object-Relational Developer's Guide)
     [entry #3] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
     [entry #4] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
CONNECT statement (Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
in CONNECT statement (Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
in the EXECUTE statement (Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
of ALTER INDEXTYPE (SQL Language Reference)
of ASSOCIATE STATISTICS (SQL Language Reference)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Language Reference)
of CREATE DATABASE LINK (SQL Language Reference)
of CREATE INDEXTYPE (SQL Language Reference)
of FETCH command (Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
of FETCH statement (Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
of OPEN command (Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
of OPEN statement (Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
purpose of (Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
using in the EXECUTE statement (Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
using indicator variables (Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
using indicator variables in (Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
with OPEN FOR statement (PL/SQL Language Reference)
of CREATE JAVA (SQL Language Reference)
using collection types (Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
using command-line SQL*Plus (Administrator's Reference for Linux and UNIX)
starting real time apply (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
Using DBMS_ADVISOR (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
Using DBMS_AQIN (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
     [entry #2] (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
Using DBMS_FILE_GROUP (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
Using DBMS_MVIEW (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
Using DBMS_RULE (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
Using DBMS_RULE_ADM (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
Using DBMS_STREAMS (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
Using DBMS_STREAMS_ADM (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
Using DBMS_STREAMS_TABLESPACE_ADM (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
Using DBMS_XMLDOM (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
Using DBMS_XMLSCHEMA (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
using dbstring
Oracle Net database id specification (Pro*COBOL Programmer's Guide)
Oracle Net database specification string (Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
using dbstring, SQL*Net database id specification (Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers)
using FetchSize property (Data Provider for .NET Developer's Guide)
of ALTER TABLE (SQL Language Reference)
of constraints (SQL Language Reference)
of CREATE TABLE (SQL Language Reference)
using Microsoft C++ (Oracle Objects for OLE Developer's Guide)
using OO4O Automation with Active Server Pages (ASP) (Oracle Objects for OLE Developer's Guide)
using OO4O Automation with Excel (Oracle Objects for OLE Developer's Guide)
using OO4O Automation with Visual Basic (Oracle Objects for OLE Developer's Guide)
using OraBLOB and OraCLOB (Oracle Objects for OLE Developer's Guide)
using OraObject interface (Oracle Objects for OLE Developer's Guide)
USING parameter (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX PA-RISC (64-Bit), Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), and Linux x86)
     [entry #2] (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
using read-only forward-only dynasets (Oracle Objects for OLE Developer's Guide)
Using REFs in Embedded SQL (Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide)
using SNA security validation
Linux (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX PA-RISC (64-Bit), Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), and Linux x86)
Using SQL Plan Management (Performance Tuning Guide)
Using the gateway (Gateway for DRDA User's Guide)
Using the Microsoft Word Demo (COM Automation Feature Developer's Guide)
using the OO4O Code Wizard (Oracle Objects for OLE Developer's Guide)
using the Oracle Data Control with MS VC++ (Oracle Objects for OLE Developer's Guide)
using the Oracle Data Control with Visual Basic (Oracle Objects for OLE Developer's Guide)
using the PL/SQL bulk collect feature (Oracle Objects for OLE Developer's Guide)
Using UTL_HTTP (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
USLOG$_ (Advanced Replication)
USR_ORA user-defined attribute names (Clusterware Administration and Deployment Guide)
UTC (Globalization Support Guide)
     [entry #2] (Globalization Support Guide)
extracting from a datetime value (SQL Language Reference)
UTC offset
replacing with time zone region (OLAP DML Reference)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Language Reference)
Unicode datatype (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
UTF8 (Text Reference)
UTF8 character set (Globalization Support Guide)
     [entry #2] (Globalization Support Guide)
     [entry #3] (Text Reference)
     [entry #4] (Text Reference)
     [entry #5] (Text Reference)
     [entry #6] (Text Reference)
     [entry #7] (Text Reference)
NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS setting for spatial queries (Spatial Developer's Guide)
UTFE character set (Globalization Support Guide)
     [entry #2] (Globalization Support Guide)
     [entry #3] (Globalization Support Guide)
UTF-16 data, sample code (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
UTF-16 Encoding (XML Developer's Kit Programmer's Guide)
UTF-16 encoding (Globalization Support Guide)
     [entry #2] (Globalization Support Guide)
UTF-16 endian auto-detection (Text Reference)
character set (2 Day + PHP Developer's Guide)
HTML page encoding (2 Day + PHP Developer's Guide)
UTF-8 encoding (Globalization Support Guide)
     [entry #2] (Globalization Support Guide)
UTF-8 output (XML Developer's Kit Programmer's Guide)
Data Dictionary (Application Express User's Guide)
about (Application Express User's Guide)
adapters (Administrator's Reference for Linux and UNIX)
comparing schemas (Application Express User's Guide)
ctxload (Text Reference)
export (Administrator's Guide)
for the database administrator (Administrator's Guide)
generating DDL (Application Express User's Guide)
Import (Administrator's Reference for Linux and UNIX)
import (Administrator's Guide)
loading data (Application Express User's Guide)
monitoring the database (Application Express User's Guide)
orapwd (Administrator's Reference for Linux and UNIX)
restoring dropped objects (Application Express User's Guide)
SQL*Loader (Administrator's Guide)
symfind (Administrator's Reference for Linux and UNIX)
unloading data (Application Express User's Guide)
viewing database details (Application Express User's Guide)
viewing object reports (Application Express User's Guide)
utilities, import/export (Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
dg4pwd (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX PA-RISC (64-Bit), Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), and Linux x86)
     [subentry #2] (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
     [subentry #3] (Gateway for APPC User's Guide)
utility functions
utility subprograms (Spatial Developer's Guide)
GeoRaster (Spatial GeoRaster Developer's Guide)
UTL Streams Types (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
UTL_BINARYINPUTSTREAM Type (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
UTL_BINARYOUTPUTSTREAM Type (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
UTL_CHARACTERINPUTSTREAM Type (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
UTL_CHARACTEROUTPUTSTREAM Type (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
UTL_COLL package (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
UTL_COMPRESS package (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
UTL_DBWS package (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
UTL_ENCODE package (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
UTL_FILE object (Vault Administrator's Guide)
UTL_FILE package (PL/SQL Language Reference)
     [entry #2] (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
UTL_FILE package, guidelines on managing (Vault Administrator's Guide)
UTL_FILE package, using with NCHAR (Globalization Support Guide)
UTL_FILE_DIR initialization parameter (Reference)
UTL_HTTP package (PL/SQL Language Reference)
     [entry #2] (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
UTL_I18N package (2 Day + PHP Developer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
ESCAPE_REFERENCE function (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
     [subentry #2] (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
     [subentry #3] (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
     [subentry #4] (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
     [subentry #5] (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
     [subentry #6] (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
     [subentry #7] (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
GET_DEFAULT_CHARSET function (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
MAP_CHARSET function (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
MAP_LANGUAGE_FROM_ISO function (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
MAP_LOCALE_TO_ISO function (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
MAP_TERRITORY_FROM_ISO function (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
RAW_TO_CHAR function (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
RAW_TO_NCHAR function (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
UNESCAPE_REFERENCE function (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
UTL_I18N PL/SQL package (Globalization Support Guide)
UTL_INADDR package (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
UTL_LMS package (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
FORMAT_MESSAGE function (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
GET_MESSAGE function (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
UTL_LMS PL/SQL package (Globalization Support Guide)
UTL_MAIL package (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
UTL_NLA (Data Mining Concepts)
UTL_NLA package (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
utl_oramts PL/SQL package
exposing public procedures (Services for Microsoft Transaction Server Developer's Guide)
public procedure (Services for Microsoft Transaction Server Developer's Guide)
utl_oramts.sql script (Services for Microsoft Transaction Server Developer's Guide)
privileges and roles granted (Services for Microsoft Transaction Server Developer's Guide)
UTL_PG (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX PA-RISC (64-Bit), Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), and Linux x86)
     [entry #2] (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX PA-RISC (64-Bit), Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), and Linux x86)
     [entry #3] (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
     [entry #4] (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
input parameters
wmsgbsiz (Gateway for APPC User's Guide)
installing (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX PA-RISC (64-Bit), Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), and Linux x86)
     [subentry #2] (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX PA-RISC (64-Bit), Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), and Linux x86)
     [subentry #3] (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
     [subentry #4] (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
output parameters
wmsgblk (Gateway for APPC User's Guide)
package (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX PA-RISC (64-Bit), Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), and Linux x86)
     [subentry #2] (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX PA-RISC (64-Bit), Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), and Linux x86)
     [subentry #3] (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
     [subentry #4] (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
definition (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX PA-RISC (64-Bit), Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), and Linux x86)
definition (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
definition (Gateway for APPC User's Guide)
invalidated or deinstalled (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX PA-RISC (64-Bit), Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), and Linux x86)
invalidated or deinstalled (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX PA-RISC (64-Bit), Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), and Linux x86)
invalidated or removed (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
parameters (input and output) (Gateway for APPC User's Guide)
PL/SQL package (Gateway for APPC User's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Gateway for APPC User's Guide)
UTL_PG function (Gateway for APPC User's Guide)
MAKE_NUMBER_TO_RAW_FORMAT (Gateway for APPC User's Guide)
MAKE_RAW_TO_NUMBER_FORMAT (Gateway for APPC User's Guide)
NUMBER_TO_RAW (Gateway for APPC User's Guide)
NUMBER_TO_RAW and RAW_TO_NUMBER argument values (Gateway for APPC User's Guide)
NUMBER_TO_RAW_FORMAT (Gateway for APPC User's Guide)
RAW_TO_NUMBER (Gateway for APPC User's Guide)
RAW_TO_NUMBER_FORMAT (Gateway for APPC User's Guide)
WMSG (Gateway for APPC User's Guide)
WMSGCNT (Gateway for APPC User's Guide)
UTL_PG input parameters
compname (Gateway for APPC User's Guide)
compopts (Gateway for APPC User's Guide)
envrnmnt (Gateway for APPC User's Guide)
mask (Gateway for APPC User's Guide)
maskopts (Gateway for APPC User's Guide)
nlslang (Gateway for APPC User's Guide)
wind (Gateway for APPC User's Guide)
UTL_PG package (Gateway for WebSphere MQ Installation and User's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Gateway for WebSphere MQ Installation and User's Guide)
     [entry #3] (Gateway for WebSphere MQ Installation and User's Guide)
UTL_RAW (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX PA-RISC (64-Bit), Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), and Linux x86)
     [entry #2] (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX PA-RISC (64-Bit), Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), and Linux x86)
     [entry #3] (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX PA-RISC (64-Bit), Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), and Linux x86)
     [entry #4] (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX PA-RISC (64-Bit), Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), and Linux x86)
     [entry #5] (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX PA-RISC (64-Bit), Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), and Linux x86)
     [entry #6] (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX PA-RISC (64-Bit), Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), and Linux x86)
     [entry #7] (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX PA-RISC (64-Bit), Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), and Linux x86)
     [entry #8] (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX PA-RISC (64-Bit), Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), and Linux x86)
     [entry #9] (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
     [entry #10] (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
     [entry #11] (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
     [entry #12] (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
     [entry #13] (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
     [entry #14] (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
     [entry #15] (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
     [entry #16] (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
PL/SQL package (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX PA-RISC (64-Bit), Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), and Linux x86)
PL/SQL package (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX PA-RISC (64-Bit), Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), and Linux x86)
PL/SQL package (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
PL/SQL package (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
invalidated or deinstalled (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX PA-RISC (64-Bit), Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), and Linux x86)
invalidated or deinstalled (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX PA-RISC (64-Bit), Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), and Linux x86)
invalidated or removed (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
PL/SQL package
definition (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX PA-RISC (64-Bit), Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), and Linux x86)
definition (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
UTL_RAW package (Gateway for WebSphere MQ Installation and User's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Gateway for WebSphere MQ Installation and User's Guide)
     [entry #3] (Gateway for WebSphere MQ Installation and User's Guide)
     [entry #4] (Gateway for WebSphere MQ Installation and User's Guide)
     [entry #5] (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
example of using functions (Gateway for WebSphere MQ Installation and User's Guide)
function syntax (Gateway for WebSphere MQ Installation and User's Guide)
UTL_RAW PL/SQL package (Gateway for APPC User's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Gateway for APPC User's Guide)
     [entry #3] (Gateway for APPC User's Guide)
definition (Gateway for APPC User's Guide)
UTL_RAW.BIT_AND function (Gateway for WebSphere MQ Installation and User's Guide)
UTL_RAW.BIT_COMPLEMENT function (Gateway for WebSphere MQ Installation and User's Guide)
UTL_RAW.BIT_OR function (Gateway for WebSphere MQ Installation and User's Guide)
UTL_RAW.BIT_XOR function (Gateway for WebSphere MQ Installation and User's Guide)
UTL_RAW.CAST_TO_RAW function (Gateway for WebSphere MQ Installation and User's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Gateway for WebSphere MQ Installation and User's Guide)
UTL_RAW.CAST_TO_VARCHAR2 function (Gateway for WebSphere MQ Installation and User's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Gateway for WebSphere MQ Installation and User's Guide)
UTL_RAW.COMPARE function (Gateway for WebSphere MQ Installation and User's Guide)
UTL_RAW.CONCAT function (Gateway for WebSphere MQ Installation and User's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Gateway for WebSphere MQ Installation and User's Guide)
UTL_RAW.CONVERT function (Gateway for WebSphere MQ Installation and User's Guide)
UTL_RAW.COPIES function (Gateway for WebSphere MQ Installation and User's Guide)
UTL_RAW.LENGTH function (Gateway for WebSphere MQ Installation and User's Guide)
UTL_RAW.OVERLAY function (Gateway for WebSphere MQ Installation and User's Guide)
UTL_RAW.REVERSE function (Gateway for WebSphere MQ Installation and User's Guide)
UTL_RAW.SUBSTR function (Gateway for WebSphere MQ Installation and User's Guide)
UTL_RAW.TRANSLATE function (Gateway for WebSphere MQ Installation and User's Guide)
UTL_RAW.TRANSLITERATE function (Gateway for WebSphere MQ Installation and User's Guide)
UTL_RAW.XRANGE function (Gateway for WebSphere MQ Installation and User's Guide)
UTL_RECOMP package (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
UTL_REF package (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
UTL_SMTP package (PL/SQL Language Reference)
UTL_SPADV package (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
     [entry #2] (Streams Concepts and Administration)
UTL_TCP package (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
UTL_URL package (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
UTLBSTAT.SQL script (Reference)
listing chained rows (Administrator's Guide)
UTLCHN.SQL script (SQL Language Reference)
UTLCHN1.SQL script
     [entry #2] (Performance Tuning Guide)
     [entry #3] (Reference)
listing chained rows (Administrator's Guide)
UTLCONST.SQL script (Reference)
UTLDTREE.SQL script (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
     [entry #3] (Reference)
UTLESTAT.SQL script (Reference)
UTLEXPT1.SQL script (Reference)
     [entry #2] (SQL Language Reference)
UTLIP.SQL script (Reference)
UTLIRP.SQL script (Reference)
UTLLOCKT.SQL script (Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Advanced Application Developer's Guide)
     [entry #3] (Reference)
file (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX PA-RISC (64-Bit), Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), and Linux x86)
     [subentry #2] (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX PA-RISC (64-Bit), Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), and Linux x86)
     [subentry #3] (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
script (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX PA-RISC (64-Bit), Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), and Linux x86)
     [subentry #2] (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX PA-RISC (64-Bit), Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), and Linux x86)
     [subentry #3] (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX PA-RISC (64-Bit), Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), and Linux x86)
     [subentry #4] (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX PA-RISC (64-Bit), Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), and Linux x86)
     [subentry #5] (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
     [subentry #6] (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
     [subentry #7] (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
utlpg.sql script (Gateway for WebSphere MQ Installation and User's Guide)
about (Security Guide)
guidelines for security (Security Guide)
UTLPWDMG.SQL script (Reference)
file (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX PA-RISC (64-Bit), Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), and Linux x86)
     [subentry #2] (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX PA-RISC (64-Bit), Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), and Linux x86)
     [subentry #3] (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
script (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX PA-RISC (64-Bit), Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), and Linux x86)
     [subentry #2] (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX PA-RISC (64-Bit), Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), and Linux x86)
     [subentry #3] (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX PA-RISC (64-Bit), Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), and Linux x86)
     [subentry #4] (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX PA-RISC (64-Bit), Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), and Linux x86)
     [subentry #5] (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
     [subentry #6] (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
     [subentry #7] (Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows)
utlraw.sql script (Gateway for WebSphere MQ Installation and User's Guide)
recompiling invalid SQL modules (Administrator's Reference for Linux and UNIX)
     [subentry #2] (Installation Guide for Linux)
UTLRP.SQL script (Reference)
utlrp.sql script
for PL/SQL native compilation (PL/SQL Language Reference)
UTLSAMPL.SQL script (Reference)
UTLSCLN.SQL script (Reference)
UTLTKPRF.SQL script (Reference)
utltzuv2.sql script (Globalization Support Guide)
UTLU111I.SQL script (Reference)
UTLU111S.SQL script (Reference)
UTLVALID.SQL script (Reference)
UTLXPLAN.SQL script (Reference)
     [entry #2] (SQL Language Reference)
displaying plan table output (Performance Tuning Guide)
for viewing EXPLAIN PLANs (Performance Tuning Guide)
displaying plan table output (Performance Tuning Guide)
for viewing EXPLAIN PLANs (Performance Tuning Guide)
used for displaying EXPLAIN PLANs (Performance Tuning Guide)
UUDECODE function (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
UUENCODE function (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
UVARCHAR datatype
Pro*C/C++ (Globalization Support Guide)