chap5_err_handling_004.gif shows a Web page with the title, Employees: Administration. Immediately underneath is a horizontal line to separate the header and the body of the page. Then there is a table of two rows of six columns. The first row contains the column headings:

no heading, Employee ID, Employee Name, Hiredate, Salary, Commission (%).

The data row contains the following data:

unchecked radio button, 200, J. Whalen, 17-Sep-87, 4,400.00, 0.

Under the data, there are four buttons labelled, Modify, Delete, Insert new employee, and Return to Departments. The mouse cursor is pointing at the Insert new employee button.

Immediately underneath is a horizontal line to separate the body of the page and the footer. The footer shows the date, 2005-10-10, and the time, 16:37:54 on the left side, and Any Co. on the right side.