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Oracle® Spatial Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1)


Provides support for the Load-On-Demand (LOD) approach of network analysis in the Oracle Spatial network data model, which is documented in Oracle Spatial Topology and Network Data Models.


Interface Summary
CachedNetworkIO This interface defines methods related to cached network input and output.
CachedNetworkIOWM This interface defines methods related to work space change.
CachingHandler This interface defines the methods supported by a caching handler.
LinkCostCalculator This interface defines the method supported by a link cost calculator.
LODAnalysisInfo This interface defines methods related to analysis information.
LODGoalNode This interface defines the methods to check whether a given node is a goal node for network analysis.
LODNetworkConstraint This interface defines a general network constraint for network analysis.
LODUserDataIO This interface defines methods to read and write user defined data from and to the database.
LogicalBasicNetwork This interface defines methods supported by a logical network.
LogicalHeavyPath A LogicalHeavyPath is a logical path with detailed node and link information.
LogicalLink This interface defines a standalone link.
LogicalNetLink A LogicalNetLink defines a network link, which is a LogicalLink with reference to the LogicalNetNode objects of the start and end nodes.
LogicalNetNode A LogicalNetNode is a LogicalNode with reference to adjacent node and link objects.
LogicalNode This interface defines a standalone node.
LogicalPartition This interface defines methods supported by a logical network partition.
LogicalPath A LogicalPath is defined by an array of link IDs, array of node IDs, and the cost of traversing through this path.
LogicalSubNetwork A LogicalSubNetwork is a LogicalNetwork that maintains connections to external nodes.
LogicalSubPath LogicalSubPath represents a portition of a LogicalPath, with the start and/or end points located on links of the the containing path.
NetworkIO This interface defines methods to read/write network information from/to a datasource.
NodeCostCalculator This interface defines the methods supported by a node cost calculator.
PartitionBlobTranslator This interface defines the methods supported by a partition blob translator.
SpatialBasicNetwork A SpatialNetwork is a LogicalNetwork with geometry information.
SpatialHeavyPath A SpatialHeavyPath is a LogicalHeavyPath with geometry information.
SpatialLink A SpatialLink is a LogicalLink with geometry information.
SpatialNetLink A SpatialNetLink is a LogicalNetLink with geometry information.
SpatialNetNode A SpatialNetNode is a LogicalNetNode with geometry information.
SpatialNode A SpatialNode is a LogicalNode with geometry information.
SpatialPartition A SpatialPartition is a LogicalPartition with geometry information.
SpatialPath A SpatialPath is a LogicalPath with geometry information.
SpatialSubNetwork A SpatialSubNetwork is a LogicalSubNetwork with geometry information.
SpatialSubPath A SpatialSubPath is a LogicalSubPath with geometry information.


Class Summary
LeveledNetworkCache An instance of this class contains the cache for all link leveles of a network.
LODNetworkFactory This class handles network element creation for Oracle Spatial Network Data Model.
LODNetworkManager This class is the entry point of all functionalities provides by the lod package.
LODNetworkWrapper This is the wrapper class containing LOD related java stored procedures used by SDO_NET package.
LRUCachingHandler This class implements the Least Recently Used (LRU) caching handler.
NetworkAnalyst This class is the single entry point to all the network analysis operations supported by NDM LOD.
NetworkUpdate An instance of this class contains the network update information for a network.
OrderedLongSet Ordered Long Set
PartitionUpdate A PartitionUpdate object contains the update information to a partition.
PointOnNet This class defines the properties of a point on a network.


Exception Summary
LinkNotFoundException Thrown when a link(s) cannot be found.
LODNetworkException Base exception class for Load-On-Demand network analysis.
MethodNotSupportedException Thrown when an unsupported or invalid method is called.
NodeNotFoundException Thrown when a node(s) cannot be found.


Package Description

Provides support for the Load-On-Demand (LOD) approach of network analysis in the Oracle Spatial network data model, which is documented in Oracle Spatial Topology and Network Data Models.

This package provides methods to
- read network information,
- perform network analysis, and
- store analysis results,
- configure the load-on-demand settings, such as cache size, caching policy, load network from the node/link tables or from the blobs, etc.,

LODNetworkManager is the entry point for all the functionalities provided by this package.
To read network information, first obtain a NetworIO object from the NetworkManager, and then call various network IO methods provided by NetworkIO. For example,

  NetworkIO networkIO    = LODNetworkManager.getCachedNetworkIO(myConnection, "MYNETWORK", "MYNETWORK");
  int numberOfPartitions = networkIO.readNumberOfPartitions(1);
  int numberOfNodes      = networkIO.readNumberOfNodes(1);
  LogicalPartition part  = networkIO.readLogicalPartition(1, 1, true, true);

To analyze a network, first obtain a NetworkAnalyst object from the NetworkManager, and then call the various network analysis functions provided by the network analyst. For example,

  NetworkAnalyst analyst = LODNetworkManager.getNetworkAnalyst(networkIO);
  LogicalSubPath path = analyst.shortestPathDijkstra(
                          new PointOnNet(2000), new PointOnNet(6700), null);
  LogicalSubPath[] paths = analyst.nearestNeighbors(
                             new PointOnNet(2000), 10, null, null);

To configure load-on-demand settings, create/edit your LOD configuration xml file, obtain the ConfigManager object from the NetworkManager, and then call the loadConfig method to load the configuration. For example,

  InputStream in = Class.getSystemResourceAsStream("lodconfig.xml");

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Oracle® Spatial Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1)

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