Mick Jagger -
God Gave Me Everything
You Can See It In A Clear Blue Sky | You Can See It In A Woman's
Eyes | You Can Hear It In Your Babies Cries | You Can Hear It In
Your Lover's Sighs | You Can Touch It In A Grain Of Sand |
Yeah Hold It Right There In The Palm Of Your Hand | Feel It Round
You Everyday | And Hear What I've Got To Say | God Gave Me
Everything I Want Come On I'll Give It All To You | God Gave Me
Everything I Want Come On I'll Give It All To You | I Saw It In The
Midnight Sun | And I Felt It In The Race I Won | And I Hear It In
The Windy Storm | And I Feel It In The Icy Dawn | And I Smell It The
Wine I Taste | And I See It In My Father's Face | And I Hear It In A
Symphony | And I Feel It In The Love You Show For Me | Yeah God Gave
Me Everything I Want Oh Come On I'll Give It All To You | God Gave
Me Everything I Want Come On I'll Give It All To You | God Gave Me
Everything I Want I Can't Stop Can't Stop I'm Still Looking Now |
God Gave Me Everthing I Want Oh Come On I'll Give It All To You |
Crazy You Said | It's All In Your Head | God Gave Me Everything I
Want Oh Come On I'll Give It All To You
- God-Shaped Hole

Every point of view has another angle | And every angle has its
merit | But it all comes down to faith | That's the way I see it |
You can say that love is not divine and | You can say that life is
not eternal | "All we have is now" | But I don't believe it |
There's a God-shaped hole in all of us | And the restless soul is
searching | There's a God-shaped hole in all of us | And it's a void
only he can fill | Does the world seem gray with empty longing |
Wearing every shade of cynical | And do you ever feel that There is
something missing? That's my point of view...

Evanescence -
please, please forgive me, but i won't be home again.
maybe someday you'll have woke up, and, barely conscious, you'll say
to no one: "Isn't something missing?" you won't cry for my absence,
i know - you forgot me long ago. am i that unimportant...? am i so
insignificant...? isn't something missing? isn't someone missing me?
even though I'd be sacrificed, you won't try for me, not now. though
i'd die to know you love me, i'm all alone. isn't someone missing
me? please, please forgive me, but i won't be home again. i know
what you do to yourself, shudder deep and cry out: "Isn't something
missing? isn't someone missing me?" even though I'd be sacrificed,
you won't try for me, not now. though i'd die to know you love me,
i'm all alone. isn't someone missing me? and if i bleed, i'll bleed,
knowing you don't care. and if i sleep just to dream of you and wake
without you there, isn't something missing? isn't something...
even though I'd be sacrificed, you won't try for me, not now. though
i'd die to know you love me, i'm all alone. isn't something
missing... isn't someone missing me?
the cardigans -
communication (from the
album: long gone before daylight)

for 27 years I've been trying
to believe and confide in different people I found. some of them got
closer than others and some wouldn't even bother and then you came
around. I didn't really know what to call you you didn't know me at
all but I was happy to explain. I never really knew how to move you
so I tried to intrude through the little holes in your veins and I
saw you but that's not an invitation that's all I get If this is
communication I disconnect I've seen you, I know you but I don't
know how to connect so I disconnect. you always seem to know where
to find me and I'm, still here behind you in the corner of your eye.
I never really learnt how to love you but I know that I love you
through the hole in the sky... where I see you and that's not an
invitation that's all I get If this is communication I disconnect
I've seen you, I know you but I don't know how to connect so I
disconnect. well this is an invitation it's not a threat If you want
communication that's what you get I'm talking and talking but I
don't know how to connect and I hold a record for being patient with
your kind of hesitation I need you, you want me but I don't know how
to connect so I disconnect I disconnect...