Secure Global Desktop 4.31 Administration Guide
> Commands
> The tarantella object new_xapp command
tarantella object new_xapp { --name obj --width pixels --height pixels [ --description text ] [ --app pathname ] [ --args args ] [ --appserv obj... ] [ --method rexec|telnet|ssh ] [ --resumable never|session|always ] [ --endswhen lastclient|windowmanager|windowmanageralone|nowindows|loginscript|loginscriptnowindows ] [ --maxinstances 0|instances ] [ --displayusing webtop|clientwm|newbrowser|independent|kiosk|localx ] [ --maximize true|false ] [ --scalable true|false ] [ --depth 8|16|24|16/8|24/8|8/16|8/24 ] [ --icon icon_name ] [ --hint hint... ] [ --clipboardlevel level ] [ --roottype default|custom ] [ --rootcolor color ] [ --compression automatic|on|off ] [ --execution automatic|inorder|optimized ] [ --quality automatic|best|24|21|18|16|15|12|9|6 ] [ --interlaced automatic|on|off ] [ --accel true|false ] [ --delayed true|false ] [ --ldapusers user_dn... ] [ --ldapgroups group_dn... ] [ --ldapsearch search_string... ] [ --loadbal default|cpu|memory|sessions ] [ --env setting... ] [ --login script ] [ --winmgr command... ] [ --empage empage ] [ --resumetimeout mins ] [ --middlemouse ms ] [ --force3button true|false ] [ --windowclose notifyapp|killapp|suspendsession|endsession ] [ --euro unicode|iso8859-15 ] [ --dpi monitordpi ] [ --keepopen true|false ] [ --lockkeymap true|false ] [ --share true|false ] [ --securityextension true|false ] [ --ssharguments args ] [ --unixaudiopreload true|false ] } | --file file
Creates one or more X application objects.
To batch-create multiple
objects, use the --file
option. Use the other options
to create a single object.
tarantella object new_xapp \ --name ".../_ens/o=Indigo Insurance/ou=Finance/cn=XFinance" \ --width 1000 --height 800 \ --app /usr/local/bin/xfinance \ --appserv ".../_ens/o=Indigo Insurance/ou=Finance/cn=paris" \ ".../_ens/o=Indigo Insurance/ou=Finance/cn=bonn" \ ".../_ens/o=Indigo Insurance/cn=lisbon"
Creates a new X application object for the application XFinance. The application may run on the hosts paris, bonn or lisbon (application server load balancing decides which one to use).
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