Secure Global Desktop 4.31 Administration Guide
> Arrays, servers and load balancing
> Introducing webtop and emulator session load balancing
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Webtop session load balancing is concerned with choosing a Secure Global Desktop server to log in to.
Users may log in to any Secure Global Desktop server in an array to see the same webtop, and to start or resume the same applications.
Webtop session load balancing happens before the first connection is made to Secure Global Desktop. You can use a number of mechanisms to choose an appropriate Secure Global Desktop server. For example:
See Load balancing webtop sessions for more details on how to configure webtop session load balancing.
Emulator session load balancing is concerned with choosing an array member to host an emulator session.
An emulator session requires a protocol engine, which communicates with the user's client device and with the application server running the application. A protocol engine may run on any array member: not necessarily the same array member that hosts the user's webtop session.
Secure Global Desktop can automatically balance emulator sessions across the array. The more array members you have, the less the load on each. You configure the algorithm used for emulator session load balancing on the Load Balancing Properties panel of Array Manager.
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