This screenshot shows the Edit Propagation Schedule page. At the top right-hand corner of the page are the buttons: Show SQL, Revert, and Apply. Below the buttons is the Database Link field with the text II2.NET
. Under this field are the following sections: Start Time, Latency, Duration of the Propagation, and Next Time:
The Start Time section includes:
A Time field with a date and time specified
A Time Zone field with a time zone specified and the text, "Time zone of the target database"
The Latency section includes a Latency (seconds) field with a number specified and the text, "Specify the maximum time to wait before propagating a message after it is enqueued"
The Duration of the Propagation section includes:
An Infinite option
A Finite option with a Duration field
The Next Time section includes:
A Simple option with a Repeat Propagation list and a Frequency field
An Advanced field with the text, "Enter function to evaluate the next propagation time"
The buttons and at the top right-hand corner of the page are repeated at the bottom right-hand corner of the page.