The screenshot shows the Summary subpage of the Results for Tasks page. The other subtabs shown, but not selected, are Recommendations, SQL Statements, and Details.
The Summary subpage has 5 sections. At the top is Overall Workload Performance. In the middle is Workload I/O Cost on the left and Query Execution Time Improvement on the right. At the bottom are Recommendations on the left and SQL Statements on the right.
The Overall Workload Performance section has an information icon (the letter i in a chat bubble) followed by the words "Potential for Improvement"
The Workload I/O Cost section has a bar chart that compares the workload I/O cost for the Original Cost (877), indicated by a red bar, with the New Cost (867), indicated by a smaller blue bar. The vertical axis measures the workload I/O cost, with values from 865.0 to 877.5 in increments of 2.5
The Query Execution Time Improvement section also has a bar chart. The vertical axis is the percentage of statements, and has values from 0 to 100 incrementing by 25. The horizontal axis measures the Query Improvement Factor with values of 1x, 2x, 4x, 6x, 8x, 10x, and >10x. The legend contains only 2 entries: No Performance Improvement, indicated by the gray bars and Potential Performance Improvement, indicated by the blue bars. The graph indicates that 75% of the queries would see no improvement, as indicated by the large gray bar, No Performance Improvement, at 1x. Approximately 20 percent of the statements have a potential query execution time improvement of 4x, and 5 percent of the statements have a potential query execution time improvement of 6x, as indicated by the blue bars at 4x and 6x. There are no other bars on the chart.
The Recommedations section displays the following information:
Recommendations: 4 (hyperlinked)
Space Requirements (MB): 0.039
User Specified Space Adjustment: Unlimited
Show Recommendation Action Counts (hyperlinked and unexpanded)
The SQL Statements section displays the following information:
SQL Statements: 19 (hyperlinked), followed by the descriptive text "Statements remaining after filters were applied:
Show Statement Counts (hyperlinked and unexpanded)
End of description.