This screenshot displays the PL/SQL Record Type used in a mapping. To the left is a Mapping Input operator. To the right of this operator are the following, from top to bottom: Table operator SALES, Expression operator, and Transformation operator. To the right of the these operators are the following operators, ordered from top to bottom: Aggregator operator and Expand Object operator. To the right of these operators are the following ordered from top to bottom: Expression operator called EXPRESSION_0, Joiner operator, and Table operator bound to the CURRENCY_TAB table. To the right of these operators is a Table operator bound to the CONV_SALES_TABLE table.
The data flow between the operators in the mapping is as follows. Arrows from the Mapping Input Parameter operator to the Transformation operator represents data being input to the Transformation operator. Arrows from the SALES
table and the Expression operator to the Aggregator operator represents data flowing to the Aggregator operator. There are arrows from the Transformation operator to the Construct Object operator, which in turn maps to the Table operator CURRENCY_TAB. Arrows from CURRENCY_TAB and the Aggregator operator to the Joiner operator indicate that the output of these operators is used as an input The output of Aggregator operator serves as input to the Joiner operator. There are arrows from the joiner operator and the Expression operator EXPRESSION_0 to the CONV_SALES_TAB table operator.