C H A P T E R  4

DR User Interfaces on the Domain

This chapter describes the user interfaces on the domain, which include the commands and options that are available to the user, and important files.

DR Commands and Options on the Domain

The cfgadm(1M) command is used to perform DR operations on the domain. DR operations are passed to the libcfgadm(3LIB) library interface, which dynamically loads a hardware-specific library plugin that actually performs the DR operations.

Note - If the cfgadm(1M) command fails during a DR operation, the board does not return to its original state. A dxs or dca error message is logged to the domain. If the error is recoverable, you can retry the command. If the error is unrecoverable, you will need to reboot the domain to use the board.

The sbd.so.1 hardware-specific plug-in provides DR functionality: connecting, configuring, unconfiguring, and disconnecting system boards, which enables you to connect or disconnect a system board from a running system without having to reboot the system.

The cfgadm(1M) command resides in the /usr/sbin directory. (See the cfgadm(1M) man page for more information.)

Each board slot appears as a single attachment point in the device tree. You can view the type, state, and condition of each component, and the state and condition of each board slot, by using the cfgadm(1M) command with its -a option.

State Change Functions

State change functions, which change the state of a board slot or a component on the board, can be issued against any attachment point.

The following are state change functions:

Availability Change Functions

Availability change functions, which change the availability of a board, can be issued against any attachment point.

The following are availability change functions:

Condition Change Functions

Condition change functions, which change the condition of a board slot or a component on the board, can be issued against any attachment point.

The following are condition change functions:

Options and Operands

The following options and operands are supported for the functions shown, where ap_id specifies the attachment point of the system board or component.:

Options and Operands


-c connect ap_id

Changes the receptacle state to connected.

-c disconnect ap_id

Changes the receptacle state to disconnected.

-c configure ap_id

Changes the occupancy state to configured.

-c unconfigure ap_id

Changes the occupancy state to unconfigured.

-x assign ap_id

Changes the occupancy state to assigned.

-x unassign ap_id

Changes the occupancy state to unassigned.

-x poweron ap_id

Changes the occupancy state to powered-on.

-x poweroff ap_id

Changes the occupancy state to powered-off.

-l ap_id

The state, status, and condition of system boards and components to be displayed

-h [ap_id]

Prints out a help message text.If ap_id is specified, the help routine of the hardware-specific library for the attachment point indicated by the argument is called.


Executes in verbose mode.


Suppresses command prompts for user confirmation, and automatically answers "no."


Suppresses command prompts for user confirmation, and automatically answers "yes."

-s listing_options

The state of attachment points to be displayed according to listing_options. Supplies listing options to the list (-l) command. The listing_options argument conforms to the syntax conventions of the getsubopt(3C) man page, and specifies: the attachment point selection criteria (i.e., select=select_string); the type of matching desired (i.e., match=match_type); the order of listing (i.e., sort=field_spec); the data that is displayed (i.e., cols=field_spec and cols2=field_spec); the column delimiter (i.e., delim=string); and whether to suppress column headings (i.e., noheadings).

-o hardware_options

Supplies hardware-specific options to the main command option. The format and content of the hardware_options string is completely hardware-specific; and the string conforms to the syntax conventions of the getsubopt(3C) man page.

-t ap_id

Performs a test of one or more attachment points. The test function is used to re-evaluate the condition of the attachment point. Without a test-level specifier in hardware_options, the fastest test that identifies hard faults is used.