C H A P T E R  1

Physical Installation

1.1 Accessing the Sun Fire E2900 Documentation Files

The full documentation set for Sun Firetrademark E2900 systems is available on the documentation CD (doc CD).

1. Insert the doc CD into a CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive.

The above command applies to workstations with SCSI drives. If your workstation has an IDE drive, the device is /dev/dsk/c0t2d0s2.

2. Open the cdrom0 directory to access the PDF files with Adobe® Acrobat Reader. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed, you can download it at no cost, at:

1.2 List of Sun Fire E2900 Systems Documentation


planning icon

System Planning

Sun Fire E2900 Systems Pre-Sales
  • Sun Fire E2900 Systems Site Planning Guide

Install icon

System Installation

Sun Fire E2900 Systems Kit
  • Sun Fire E2900 Systems Unpacking Guide
  • Sun Fire E2900 Systems Getting Started
  • Sun Fire E2900 Systems Installation Guide
Sun Fire E2900 Systems Doc CD
  • Sun Fire Entry-Level Midrange Systems Administration Guide
  • Sun Fire Entry-Level Midrange System Controller Command Reference Manual

Admin Icon


Sun Fire E2900 Systems Doc CD
  • Sun Fire E2900 Systems Software Release Notes
  • Sun Fire Entry-Level Midrange Systems Administration Guide
  • Sun Fire Entry-Level Midrange System Controller Command Reference Manual
Other Sun Fire E2900 Systems Docs
  • Sun Management Center User's Guide
  • Solaris System Administration Guide

Repair Icon

Repair and Troubleshooting

Sun Fire E2900 Systems Doc CD
  • Sun Fire E2900 Systems Service Manual
  • Sun Fire Entry-Level Midrange Systems Administration Guide
Other Sun Fire E2900 Systems Docs
  • Sun Management Center User's Guide
  • Solaris System Administration Guide

Globalization Icon


Sun Fire E2900 Systems Doc CD
  • French, German, Italian, Spanish, Swedish, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese

1.3 Installation Task Map for Sun Fire E2900 Systems Pre-Mounted in a Sun Rack


Install icon

Step 1


  • Verify power, air conditioning, and floor area requirements -- Refer to the Sun Fire E2900 Systems Site Planning Guide.

Step 2

  • Set up the Suntrademark Rack and connect the power cables -- Refer to the Sun Rack Installation Guide.

Step 3

  • Connect an administrative console to access the system controller -- Refer to the Sun Fire E2900 Systems Installation Guide.

Step 4

  • Power on the Sun Rack -- Refer to the Sun Rack Installation Guide.
  • Power on the individual systems -- Refer to the Sun Fire E2900 Systems Installation Guide.

Step 5

  • Allow the system to run through POST and ensure there are no errors, then power off the systems and the Sun Rack.

Step 6

  • Power off the system -- Refer to the Sun Fire E2900 Systems Installation Guide.
  • Power off the cabinet -- Refer to the documentation that came with the cabinet.

Step 7

  • Install options and storage devices -- Refer to the documentation that came with the option or storage device for details.

Step 8

  • Power on the Sun Rack -- Refer to the Sun Rack Installation Guide.
  • Power on the individual systems -- Refer to the Sun Fire E2900 Systems Installation Guide.

Step 9

  • Configure the system -- Refer to the Sun Fire E2900 System Administration Guide.
  • Create additional domains (if needed) -- Refer to the Sun Fire Entry-Level Midrange Systems Administration Guide.

Step 10

  • Install the Solaris software on each domain -- Refer to the Solaris Installation Guide.
  • Boot the Solaris software on each domain -- Refer to the Sun Fire Entry-Level Midrange Systems Administration Guide.


1.4 Installation Task Map for Rackmounting Sun Fire E2900 Systems


Install icon

Step 1


  • Verify power, air conditioning, and floor area requirements -- Refer to the Sun Fire E2900 Systems Site Planning Guide.

Step 2

  • Set up the cabinet and connect the power cables -- Refer to the documentation that came with the cabinet.

Step 3

  • Mount the system into the cabinet and connect power cables -- Refer to the Sun Fire E2900 Systems Installation Guide.

Step 4

  • Connect an administrative console to access the system controller -- Refer to the Sun Fire E2900 Systems Installation Guide.

Step 5

  • Power on the cabinet -- Refer to the documentation that came with the cabinet.
  • Power on the individual systems -- Refer to the Sun Fire E2900 Systems Installation Guide.

Step 6

  • Allow the system to run through POST and make sure there are no errors.

Step 7

  • Power off the system -- Refer to the Sun Fire E2900 Systems Installation Guide.
  • Power off the cabinet -- Refer to the documentation that came with the cabinet.

Step 8

  • Install options and storage devices-- Refer to the documentation that came with the option or storage devices for details.

Step 9

  • Power on the cabinet -- Refer to the documentation that came with the cabinet.
  • Power on the system -- Refer to the Sun Fire E2900 Systems Installation Guide.

Step 10

  • Configure the system -- Refer to the Sun Fire Entry-Level Midrange Systems Administration Guide
  • Create additional domains (if needed) -- Refer to the Sun Fire Entry-Level Midrange Systems Administration Guide.

Step 11

  • Install the Solaris software on each domain -- Refer to the Solaris Installation Guide.
  • Boot the Solaris software on each domain -- Refer to the Sun Fire Entry-Level Midrange Systems Administration Guide.