A P P E N D I X  A

Online Manual Page for cputst

This appendix provides the online manual page for cputst.


cputst - CPU Test for Online CPU Diagnostics Monitor


/usr/platform/sun4u/sbin/sparcv9+vis2/cputst [-vnh] [ -s <stress_level> ] [ -d <dev_id> ]


cputst primarily exercises and tests the Floating Point Unit (FPU) on Sun platforms supporting a minimum of UltraSPARC III processors. The FPU functionality is checked by doing FPU-oriented operations with single and double precision numbers. The computed results are verified against known good results.


TABLE A-1 cputst Options



-s <stress_level>

1=low, 2=medium, 3=high. The default is 1.

-d <dev_id>

Specify the processor_id of the CPU to be tested. By default, all CPUs in the system are tested sequentially.


Verbose Mode - the default is Verbose off.


Notify cpudiagd(1M) for subsequent fault management. The default is no notification.


Display help message.


Example 1: Using cputst to test all the CPUs with low stress and without notification.

# ./cputst 

Example 2: Using cputst to test CPU 20 with medium stress, without notification, and with verbose messages.

# ./cputst -s 2 -v -d 20

Example 3: Using cputst to test all the CPUs, with medium stress, and with notification.

# ./cputst -s 2 -n

Exit Status

  • 0 - No failures or errors are detected in the system.
  • 1 - Failures or errors are detected in the system.
  • 2 - An internal cputst error occurred.


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:

TABLE A-2 Attributes for cputst

Attribute Type

Attribute Value



Interface Stability


See Also

cpudiagd(1M), cpudiagd.conf(4)