Cluster Platform 15K/9960 System Release Notes

This document contains the release notes for the Cluster Platform 15K/9960 system. These issues were known at the time of the production of the documentation.

Note - Before you attempt to install the Cluster Platform 15K/9960 system, you must read the Late-Breaking News document. You should also obtain the latest version of all of Cluster Platform 15K/9960 system documents, which are
available at:

Known Issues

This section contains the known issues at the time when the Cluster Platform 15K/9960 documents were produced.

Auto-Recovery and Auto-Reboot Settings

You must set the auto-recovery and auto-reboot settings to false on the
Sun Firetrademark 15k servers.


MPxIO is not supported in this release of the Cluster Platform 15K/9960 software.

Sun StorEdgetrademark 9960 Documentation

For documentation on the Sun StorEdge 9960 storage system, use one of the following sites:

Site-Planning Audit

A Sun service engineer must submit a site-planning audit form before the installation occurs. Refer to the following site to submit the form: