
Cluster Platform 220/1000
Late-Breaking News

This document contains the late-breaking news for the Cluster Platform220/1000. Some of this information was discovered after the product documentation was released.

Before You Begin

Before you begin customizing your Cluster Platform 220/1000, you must follow the instructions in the Sun StorEdge Expansion Cabinet Installation and Service Manual, part number 805-3067-14, provided in the media kit.

Be sure to follow the instructions for removing and replacing the front panel and for powering on the expansion cabinet.

Sun Cluster Documentation

For information on Sun Cluster documentation and other important information, read the Release Notes in the media kit.

Customizing the Terminal Concentrator

Step 2b on Page 16 of the Cluster Platform 220/1000 User's Guide states:

Connect the RJ-45 end of the serial cable (Part no. 5121A) to Port 1 of the terminal concentrator and the other end, DB-25 male, to serial port A of a
Suntrademark workstation.

You must connect the other end of the serial cable, DB-25 male, to serial port B, and not serial port A, of a Sun workstation.

Selecting a Naming Service

Step 12 on pages 28 and 29 of the Cluster Platform 220/1000 User's Guide instructs you to select a naming service. When selecting and confirming a naming service, you must select the None option.