
Cluster Platform 4500/3
Late-Breaking News

This document contains the late-breaking news for the Cluster Platform 4500/3. Some of this information was discovered after the product documentation was released.

Known Issues

This section contains the known issues in the Cluster Platform 4500/3 hardware.

High Availability

The Cluster Platform 4500/3 is designed for high availability and redundancy. Although the power sequencer has a low chance of failure, such failure would potentially cause one or both FC-AL hubs to lose power, causing multiple failures and leaving both nodes unavailable.

If you are concerned about a power sequencer failure, you must externally power the FC-AL hubs to an external source. It is not recommended that you power the hubs on the same power source as the sequencers.

Sun Cluster Documentation

For information on Sun Cluster documentation and other important information, read the Release Notes in the media kit.